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Witch dorm Common Room.

"What that fuck do you want Corey I have things to do and people to see than be here with a waste of magic like you." Theo stood in the now clear and closed room. No one could hear him and Ben was at school.

"I want your help?" He answered. Theo scoffs. "Bitch do I look like I can fix your fucked up life, I'm a fairy not the godmother and I certainly don't do favors for basic witches." He turned to leave. "I want to get rid of Ben and overthrow Kyra during challenge week." The blonde boy blurts out.

Theo turned with a smile on his face. "It seems mutiny and disloyalty are found within the prideful witches." He smirked looking at the boy.

"I'm listening." He sat down. "I want your help during challenge week to overthrow Kyra, I know about how you want to use Ben as live bait to Robin." The blonde smirked. "How do you know about that?" Theo was alarmed.

"I slept with a fae who couldn't keep his mouth shut about you." Of course, he slept with someone to get information that's the only way he could think of doing it. He may be a guy but he's still a brainless blonde bimbo.

"Oh is that it, Alright." Theo decided to play along this could be beneficial for his end goal.
"I can plan a distraction for you and you can put him in the path of the one who would challenge Robin, I already got some challengers but they will only challenge Robin for 30 minutes and desert the battle after that.

If I play my cards right I can get the little blonde bitch blamed by Hayes for Ben getting hurt. He'll never know it's me.

"Well your plan is compelling, I will do it then, but you have to do it my way or no deal." The blonde nods.

All this while the two who were is discourse failed to notice Ben by the door who stood their shocked and silent.

"That boy has been making  a mess of the school, Tate attacking the witches, Lucian getting hurt, even Robin and Devin were planning to put him down before Hayes marked him, they think Hayes would be hard to fight if Ben is marked, so their plan is to attack before that happens." Theo scoffs.

If only they knew Ben has been marked already and right now he could wipe them all out. It's best to hurt him without Hayes not knowing the perpetrators or hell will be opening its jaws for the mystic who hurts that boy.

"Well I hope the plan works out, I'm only interested in using that boy to get Robin off my back they can do whatever they want after."

How could they do this to me, Hayes trusts Theo and he would do this why?. We'll see about getting me hurt bastard I will make sure Robin knows your plan and if anyone of you backstabbing cunts come for me I won't hesitate to kill you.

"The little slut will be a problem for my plan to throw out Kyra." Ben had heard enough so he appeared in front of the two.

"Why?" Theo and Corey turned to see the image of an angry Ben, his hair had a white glow, and the air around him sizzled.

"Why?!." He asked again and the lights flickered. He controlled his rage. "Absonom." He put them to sleep. The fae and witch fell to the floor.

Later that Evening
Vampire Dorm:

The vampires hissed at Ben who looked unfazed as he walked to the elevator in the vampire dorm. All the information he had been told had taken a toll on the boy. It wasn't his fault he got claimed by Hayes, it wasn't his fault that even now no one considered him or how he felt all they saw was an obstacle or tool. He wanted to change that so he came to the Vampire dorm knowing full well Robin might attack him.

If I'm going to change anything and get this kill order off my back I better start with Robin, I don't want Hayes getting hurt because of me.

Somehow in the mix of all the emotions he felt, the witch felt more connected to his demon more than ever. Forcibly claimed or not Hayes did not control him or disrespect him or any of his choices. He was different from all the faction leaders.

The boy made his way up to the penthouse the door was locked by magic. The sound of magic being pulled in could be heard as Ben siphoned the magic locking the door. He burst into a scene he never thought possibly.

Kyra lay on the couch wrapped in a sheet with bite marks all over him and a distinct vampire bite on his neck, Robin stood there naked as he handed Kyra a glass of wine.

The glass fell on to the rug and spilled over. "Ben, how did you?" Kyra sat up shocked. Along with Robin, no one knew of their secret mating besides Devin and now Ben knew.

"Well this is odd, no wonder you triple-locked the door." He was attacked by Robin who was blown back by magic. The wall he crashed into crumbled as he stood up again. "Calm down Robin I'm here to talk."

"As long as you keep your mouth shut about this I won't kill you." Ben scoffs. He removes the glamour on his body, showing the perfection that was Hayes demon mark. It had spread all over Ben from his feet to neck and hair, leaving only his face.

"As you can see you can't kill me." Robin now stood by Kyra amazed. He could feel the power within the witch. "Then what do you want?" Robin spoke up as Kyra swiped his hands making clothes appear on both Robin and himself.

"I will keep your secret if you keep mine." Robin smirks and nods. "Theo was planning on using me to get to you, he knows about the mark but doesn't know how it's spread, he and Corey are planning to overthrow Kyra, I just heard them talking about it earlier." Robin palms his forehead and chuckles lowly.

"Why are you telling me. Us this?" Kyra questioned. "Because the faction leaders have a kill order on my back, your boy toy over there included. I just want to clear the air, I and Hayes won't attack unless provoked and right now I'm not in the mood to be desecrating your boyfriend." Kyra chuckled he liked Bens spirit.

Smart witch and having an ally like Hayes and him may prove useful.

"I don't want that either, thank you for telling me and warning me about Corey and Theo though I doubt they can take me down." Kyra smiles. "You've got a deal Roman and an ally, I won't hurt you as long you stay away from the mess or be on our side." Ben nods and turns to leave.

"By the way, you two are really a cute couple." Ben compliments and Robin smiles as he hugs Kyra.

"Hear that babe we're a cute couple." Robin teases Kyra. Robin was content having Kyra as a mate and he believed he made the right decision in being allies with possibly one of the most powerful witches at Halwright. He had heard about the demonstration.

The little witch isn't bad after all. 



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