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Domino: Witch Court.

Hayes finally realized that indeed Kyra had been right, his problems with Mael compared to the witches were mere child tantrums, these people would gut each other without mercy or a second stare, it made him wonder how Ben escaped it all and became the person he was, indeed his witch was resilient. "Kyra there is my father, let's go meet him." Kaya suggested and the witch obliged leaving Hayes with Alarion, along with Declan and Kaiser, the air was still tense and awkward as Hayes didn't acknowledge Kaiser nor his mate.

"I'm going to get more wine, meet me where Kyra is." The demon stated with a slight nod toward his angel companion and left the table, Declan was neutral in the matter but Kaiser was furious, why would Benjamin send his mate, one he did not approve to represent him, it was disrespectful to him as king. "Calm down my love, you can deal with it later:" Declan comforted but only succeeded in getting shoved to the side as the witch king stormed off.

"Mother's lapdog and mate's scapegoat and sex doll, it must be hard being you brother." Kyra mumbled as he took Declan's hand and they began to dance. "You know nothing about me or the life I live." The witch hissed back but only succeeded in making Kyra chuckle. "I know plenty dear Declan, after all my best friend is a seer, along with that both you and I are royals, we know everything, do you really think magic can erase and repair those broken pieces of what used to be your heart." Kyra whispered once more in Declan's ear.

Declan's body became rigid with tension. "So you're rubbing salt in my wounds." He stated with a voice that cracked in the end showing just how much damage the king had done to him. "I'm not cruel, unlike you brother, " Declan dipped Kyra in their dance. "I'm only reminding you of what I said before, he will use you until there is nothing to use, then toss you aside, but remember Declan, people can break free from what chains them, you've succeeded in giving the bitch we call mother what she wanted, wasn't it the whole point of you revealing that you're Kaiser's mate when in actuality you used a spell to mimic a mate bond, then foolishly fell in love with him." Kyra finally revealed the secret to his mother's plan, her piece to get what she wanted.

"How did you—how could you." Declan was struck with shock he couldn't say anything, how could Kyra know of that plan, they had been careful to hide the magic that made that spell possible. "How is it possible that I know of what you did?" Kyra retorted as they now changed the rhythm of their dance. "Every child born in the Syre family has a curse, you know that, these curses are different with each individual, then what you didn't know is that in another mystic family there is also a curse, much different to ours but powerful, the Venus clan, combine these two curses with compatible mystics, you'll get unimaginable revelations, now do the math." The witch explained making Declan's face lose its color.

"Benjamin." He whispered to himself as he let go of Kyra and stumbled back. "Let go of this foolishness Declan, the union has already been decreed and can only be reversed in five years, but it's not too late for you to Run." Kyra warned as Declan stumbled back further, he turned on his heels and took off into the crowd.


"I will have your strongest drink." Hayes ordered from the waiter at the bar whilst he looked around the crowd of fake smiles and fake sincerity. "Make that two." A voice called out making Hayes tense then loosen up to chuckle lightly. "Lord Hayes." The angel behind him stated with venom in his words. "Your grace, what an unpleasant surprise." Hayes replied without turning back from the bartender, his acknowledgment of Mael was enough, he was already repulsed by the angel enough.

The two of them stood side by side as if they were comrades sharing a drink but the mystic behind the bar could feel the awkward tension in the air between the two. "State what you want Mael, your stench is nauseating." The demon grumbled as he gulped down the burning liquid in one go, it still didn't compare to his wine at home, he regretted listening to his mate, now he was drinking water in the excuse of wine along with being disturbed by the angel he wanted to behead.

"I—." Mael mumbled as he nursed his drink. "Spit it out already before I rip your tongue out and tie it around your neck." Hayes asserted impatiently and with a dominance that made Mael aware that he had irritated the demon, Hayes. "I want to see him." He whispered his response shocking the demon beside him. "Correct me, I may have not heard you clearly, you want to see who?" Hayes was taunting him, he knew exactly the person Mael wanted to see but it wasn't going to happen, not in any lifetime.

"Avian." The angel spoke with more confidence making Hayes snicker. "You're full of jokes your highness, " The demon laughed heartily but in a split second he had Mael on his back by the bar, the demon towered over the angel king, dominating him in every way, he loomed over him with his eyes pitch black and golden glyphs by his palms. "Never mention the name of my child from that cursed tongue of yours, or I will kill you with my bare hands, then bathe in your blood whilst using your wings as comfort pillows." The demon warned the king who was on his back.

Mael in that moment had conflicting emotions, he was being threatened yet he liked how Hayes was dominating him, he wanted to kill the son of a bitch but his body wouldn't move, yet he could still try. "He's my son as well." Mael argued avoiding eye contact. "You claim he's your son now, when Ben begged you to help him, what did you do, when your father cursed him and sent you to murder him what did you do, tell me, what?" Hayes spoke with authority and dominion over Mael that sparked interest all those around but they wouldn't interfere, you didn't enter angel and demon politics or arguments.

"I had no choice." Mael confessed weakly making Hayes drop him to the floor, the demon then crouched down to face the angel king in his crumbled state. "You don't have a choice now, Avian is my son, my blood now runs through his veins, turns out all he needed was a real father, I know you felt him when he woke up, but don't ever think I will let you near that sweet little boy, he deserves better than a failure for a father, stay away from my family Mael." Hayes concluded his warning and rose to his full height, he took his drinks and walked away leaving Mael to compose himself whilst looking in the direction of where Hayes went, it seemed the demon was everything he could never be for Ben.


"Tate stop that tickles." Benjamin whined as Tate tickled him while they were all in the great hall having dinner, their friends were there as well, the ones that weren't busy anyway. "You two seem really chummy." Lario stated with a quizzical stare at Tate but the kitsune only raised his hands in surrender. "Tate and I are just friends you all know that, now stop with your questions and eat." Ben argued with a smile tugging at his lips.

Tate knew the words Ben had spoken were true but he was hopelessly failing in staying just a friend with both Ben and Hayes, he didn't want to be a problem in their lives so he tried his best to keep himself as a friend. "Ice cream." Carter offered the kitsune who nodded gratefully, before he could accept the bowl everything froze, Benjamin looked around to find the reason why everyone was stuck and frozen but couldn't find it until a certain violet haired boy walked into the hall.

"Yamil." Ben hissed looking at the witch in front of him. "Hello cousin, long time no—." Before Yamil could finish his sentence a wave of magic burst from Benjamin.



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