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Saying Our Goodbyes.

"The world should always be grateful for what you did, Benjamin Syre and Hayes Shadows, I know I will, if ever you need help, the school will always give it to you, and as for my changed state, I believe I should pay your father a visit." The headmaster stated as Hayes shook his head in refusal over his last statement. "You don't need to swear your loyalty to my father, headmaster, like you said about the school, if you need us, the demons and the witches, we'll be there." Hayes assured the man who nodded right then in appreciation. "Thank you, oh I'm going to miss seeing your faces around here." The headmaster spoke sadly as they now stood in his new office, a building dedicatedly to administration only thanks to Kyra, and his design. The quiet murmur of a child in the office causes all three  mystics in the room to turn to the baby carrier. "Ofcourse I'm going to miss seeing your more, you're such a beautiful boy." The headmaster cooed as the baby laughed to his antics. Yes Ben had given birth to a baby boy during the time the school was being demolished and rebuilt.

"Remmiel Yamir SyreShadows, a mouthful but fitting for a prince of two kingdoms, if ever he decides to wield the same power his parents do." The headmaster mumbled as Ben and Hayes chuckled. "Maybe someday, for now we're just focusing on raising him right." Hayes retorted and the headmaster scoffed but agreed nodding his head. Ben felt a tug at his magic, Kaiser and Kyra were calling. "It's time to go huh, sugarplum." Hayes mumbled and Ben nodded, a sad expression passed over the headmaster's face as the realization that the two were leaving, the graduation ceremony was in a few hours but not wanting to overshadow the others in their accomplishments, they had decided to leave early, so it was time, they'd only be back when the school was opened to everyone.

"Don't forget, I already have Avian's application letter for highschool ready, I want him nowhere else but here!" He called out to the family as Hayes carried their baby and Ben by his side glowing as always. "We won't." Ben replied, his eyes glowing gold and a comforting feeling surrounded the man before they slipped out of his office. "My nephew, come to your uncle." Kaiser cheered more like shrieked in what could be happiness, the moment Hayes and Ben appeared outside, suddenly they didn't exist since Remmiel was born, everybody loved their child as if he were some sort of deity, they loved and hated the attention but as parents, they just loved their child. "Where's your mate Kaiser?" Hayes questioned, but what was being asked was, where is my child but that wasn't worded in. "He's here, with Kyra, getting his fitting, remember he was studying here too, so he's graduating." Kaiser replied as he played with a giggling baby who was just too cute for his own good, with blinding silver hair, green and canary eyes that looked like stars bursting, always changing and never the same, with Hayes's features also making an appearance, he was going to be a trouble magnet much like Avian who was with Paige and Lucian, he could manipulate those two into doing anything for him.

"So you ready to go, home?" Kaiser asked but Ben looked to Hayes and the demon sighed. "We talked about this, what's wrong, mom and dad said they are sorry about some of the things that happened, Scarlett, she's tryna play it cool but can't wait to see you, why not come for dinner at least, let mom see her grandchildren." Kaiser argued and Ben could see the appeal of it but not Hayes, he wasn't as convinced. "You can't keep isolating yourselves in the neo realm, you have family who love you, and who want to be here, with you." Kaiser added to his argument and Hayes groaned. "Ben will host a dinner at our house, that's where we'll be, if either of our parental figures or siblings want to visit us then they are free to come over." Hayes replied as Kaiser wad deflated but also nodded, if Hayes was set on something, there was little else you could argue to change his mind.

"Let's go." Ben whispered as held his hand out for Kaiser and Hayes, the two didn't hesitate to take the offered hands and walk with him toward the entrance of the school, Halwright was bigger now, more buildings, modernized and already in use, well most of them, to accommodate for the girls more buildings had been built, the main school building was five times the size of Domino's witch court,  and the court was considered a mystic marvel, not only in beauty but size. As Ben neared the halfway mark to the entrance with his family Lucian flew above them. "Aren't you forgetting something!" He called out as Avian waved at them from above. "Kaiser was coming to get him!" Ben replied as the dragon finally landed, a sad expression on his face. "I can't believe it, you're going." He mumbled as Avian made his way to his papa and made grabby hands, for a kid that was getting bigger and needed to be less spoilt Hayes couldn't help keep spoiling him. "The school won't be the same without me, or us but I believe we're leaving it better than when we came in, it was chaos up in here." Ben joked and they all laughed. "You are right, we've left it better." Lucian agreed as he began walking with them, suddenly Theo and Tai appeared flying above them, Lario and Carter too, Paige showed up with Tate, Kyra and Annel, along with Robin who was dragging a sniffling Taylor, he would still be at the school, he was the actual sophomore. Alarion had left already, no one knew why, Ben knew though, he often astral projected to him, he wasn't with the angels, he was actually deep in the woods of the demon kingdom, he'd asked the king a few months ago before the refurbishment if he could seek asylum there, hideaway for a while to come to terms with everything, something Ben didn't encourage but for his mental health, he allowed, if only he came back to set his people right and accept his throne because no one else was strong enough.

Ben and Hayes stopped as the statue of the Goddess that was built as a monument of peace, and welcoming of all to the school, it was also dedicated to Ben, for saving all that was mystic life and showing that great power never meant becoming evil. The mystics stood behind them, as Kaiser gave Remmiel to his mother, as they all went on their knees and bowed, silently they offered their prayers, hopes and dreams, and hopefully she heard them and granted them. "Here we part my beloved." Ben stated sadly. "You're all welcome to my home any time, and if ever you need an escape, just call to your neo guardians and they will take you there, I will miss you all, the time at Halwright, it's been a whirlwind for me, but each minute and moment of it, I've grown, grown to love and be loved, and I found my happy ever after, so you all have to go into the world with that, proud of who you are and show them that you're more than your past, you're more than what they claimed you are." Ben finished as tears fell from his eyes and they huddled around him. "Bye Ben." Carter whispered as they finally let go.

"Lets go home Tate." Hayes called out as the shifter took Avian into his arms and said his goodbyes to everyone. "You didn't really think we'd leave you behind." The demon teased. "Maybe." Tate replied causing him to scoff. "Idiot." Kaiser whispered making Tate protest, he wasn't an idiot, he just didn't want to be the guy who settled into another mating unwanted. "Trust me,you're wanted." Ben reassured as he kissed him, shocking not only him but everyone else. "Bye guys, see you soon!" Kyra called out as he waved wildly with his mate next to him. They all stood by the statue of the Goddess waving madly and as Kaiser, held Tate's hand, the two smiled, a welcome to the family passing between the two and finally they all held hands, in the flash of beautiful golden light, they were gone, behind remained the burst of fireworks that surprisingly could be seen in the day. "See you soon, dad." A certain incubus hybrid whispered, he couldn't wait for semester break now.


No words. (Sniffles.)

Saint Jay.

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