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Demon Dorm: Penthouse H.

The doors burst open as boxes after boxes floated into the large space. Hayes who had cut himself trying to cut an apple stood by the kitchen island surprised and waiting to see why the witch was levitating stuff into his penthouse.

"Hayes will you bloody help me and stop standing there looking like a mad man with a 2 dollar broken cock." Hayes only stood there more amused as his little witch cursed.

"Babe, what's all this?" He pointed to the boxes which were moving to their allocated area as they had been enchanted to. "I'm moving in." He says flatly.

Yes, I been fucking waiting for this.

"What happened, baby." Ben was used to the pet names, he had tried to make the demon stop but it only got worse. "Your best friend and Corey happened." Hayes was now interested to know what had actually happened to cause this miracle.

"Okay what could they have possibly done to make you move out and live with the demons.!" The witch set everything down and walked to Hayes. "alemirium vertom." He opened his mind to the taller male. He saw everything and heard everything Theo and Corey said, also how Ben went to Robin and the seeing him naked which didn't sit down well with him, the truce and Robin accepting to be allies.

He was proud of Ben how he handled the situation and gained an ally for the demons, it was the first time in a long while had the demons and vampire been allies.

"Well to say I'm pissed is an understatement, I didn't expect Theo to betray me like this." Ben saw the visible hurt in Hayes's eyes. He had never expected Theo to want to use his mate, his little witch as a pawn in getting back at Robin.

"I'm sorry... Love. " To hear Ben say that made the demon slightly less hurt. The little witch was becoming him as days passed and this was a start for both of them and it made him appreciate his own choice to mate with.

"Love?" He questioned. "I'm not repeating it." Ben smirked. "Oh come on just once?" He shook his head. As the boxes began to unpack themselves. Clothes putting themselves up in Hayes's closet. His books and grimoires finding their place in the bookshelf.

He really is moving in.

"So why was Robin harassing Theo if he and Kyra are mated?" The demon asked as Ben made his way to the kitchen. "Did you cut yourself?." The demon looked to the side whistling as Ben laughed after. "You really can't cook to save your life huh." Ben teased.

He stood up and put his arms on Bens, his chin on top of his head. He liked the feeling of Ben's hair and the scent made him relax. "Well if he was harassing Theo, my guess is he was doing it to keep his relationship with Kyra a secret, to avoid the situation we have right now or potentially showing the alliance between the witches and vampires it would cause a commotion, power-hungry Tate would blow a fuse." It made sense to Hayes.

I would've harassed Connor too if it meant keeping him safe. Though the slut means nothing to me. He's just as useless as Corey sometimes for a leader it's pathetic.

"I guess so." He sat on top of the counter watching Ben cook. "So you sleep with daddy now, better prepare for some loving." Ben scoffs. "Try any shit I will chop it off boo." He throws a blade to the wall and it penetrates making a crack. Hayes was slightly nervous subconsciously covering his parts.

Next Day
Halwright Training Field.

"Hey twink bitch!" Carter yelled toward Devin who was laying on the ground sunbathing. "Hey double D whore!" Devin yells and both start to laugh loudly rolling on the grass. Carter and Devin were friends ever since the wendigo could relate in character to Devin.

The two sunbathe together silently until Alarion showed up and his shadow covered the sun. "Devin what are you doing with the regular morgue visitor ?." He said in disgust.

"If you insult him one more time I will choke you till you pass out Alarion and Carter doesn't need to feed regularly on flesh to survive if you paid attention in class you would know." Carter was always proud of his friendship with Devin and it was true that the wendigo only ate flesh 6 times a year to keep his stability and vitality up.

"Bewildered passion." Connor muttered beside Alarion. "Shade Reflection." Devin quickly spoke. "Bitch!! did your fucking tramp ass just try to compel us?" Carter and Devin were now standing facing the two other boys. "Hold up is this how you drew me in until Kyra cast that spell! You been fucking compelling us bastard." The two were angry as Connor walked back slightly.

"Shit time to get out of here Alarion." Connor pulled on Alarions wrist. "Oh no Connor I will fuck you up then you can leave."

"Shade Field." A dome made of dark matter appeared and engulfed the four. The phantom stood in his reaper form, the scythe and the elements swirling around him. Carter was in his full form the black runes on his arms now spread all over him. A loud growl was heard in the dome as Connor had transformed into his humanoid panther form. His cat eyes menacing.

"Celestial Lights." Alarion spun his staff releasing light toward Devin. The ghost dematerialized and it passed through him. "Ghostal Ire." A wave of black matter flooded the field. Carter was unaffected but their two opponents felt the pull of angry souls. It was maddening. "Volatile void." Connor spoke and the wave of souls were pulled into void Connor had summoned.

The runes on the wendigo glow as vines sprout from the ground and constricted Connor. "Hounds Malice." The vines poisoned Connor feeding off his energy. The beast was quick to move and kicked Connor's midsection throwing him to meet the shade field which sucked more of his energy. "essence daze." The incubus spoke releasing a heavy fog that covered the field. " impulsive attraction." Connor drew energy from Alarion only as Devin and Carter had shielded themselves.

"Sacred Pillar." The angel spoke calmly as ten pillars of light appeared five aimed at Carter the other at Devin. "Carter we need to end this before those pillars charge."

"varmint summoning." soulless hounds appeared in front of the wendigo. "Hounds tackle!" The beasts attacked Connor, he tried to drain them of energy they kept coming, clawing and biting, Carter appeared in front of Connor and held him by throat slamming him into the hard ground repeatedly until he passed out.

"Connor!" Alarion yelled. The battle had raged on between him and Devin, the phantom held no marks but the angels arm had been scorched. "Ghostal electrocution." "Destructive pulsation." Both Devin and Carter yelled at once their attacks knocking Alarion to the barrier where it shattered and the whole field collapsed.

"If I ever see you near me again with your trollop I will do more than just knock him out!" The wendigo spoke pointing to Connor who lay on the grass bloody and unconscious with multiple injuries. " I really thought I liked you Alarion, next time I won't let you walk away." The two boys turned and headed for their dorms.

Alarion flew to Connor and carried him off to the school infirmary he couldn't heal Connor himself because he was still healing from the last attack on him by Carter and Devin.

Next time I won't give you the chance to double team me, I held back because I didn't need an incubus to realize I had feelings for you, Devin. Now I just want to hurt you.




HALWRIGHT SCHOOL OF SUPERNATURALSΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα