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Halwright Demon Dorm.

"So you're telling me that little witch knocked you out and caused the explosion which we felt all the way at the Library! That's fucking impossible." The fae now stood beside Hayes as he caressed Ben's face tugging his hair away from his face.

So beautiful yet so monstrous, he is not to be reckoned with. The demon had not felt such force even as he battled Alarion it drew him closer to the little witch who lay on his bed.

"He has an entity inside, you should've seen his form, so beautiful and dangerous, he was death itself I felt it as he shook the walls and he belongs to me." He was still seated, taking Ben's hand looking at his wrist, the demon mark should've have disappeared when the witch siphoned its power but there it was formed and even stronger.

"Wait your mark has never spread out like that." Theo pointed to the mark which was now on Ben's neck. Hayes reveled in this discovery it only meant one thing having his mark spread out like this. It was also worrying.

This kid is the key to getting rid of Robin, I just have to play it right and I can get him to flip on Robin, whatever happens to him won't be on me.

A plan was already in motion as the fae eyed the sleeping witch with such adoration, he wanted to seem supportive toward his friend and not let it slip that he was about to use the demons bonded mate as a weapon.

He must learn to control his inner being or it will lash out to protect him and it seems he does control it when I threatened him that's when he let it free.

"Hayes are you still listening to me?" Theo shook Hayes. "I'm fine just occupied in thought." Theo scoffs and turns to leave the spacious bedroom.

"Well better make sure no one finds out what he really is or you'll have competition." He flies off into the night. "Oh my dear little witch you're mine now no matter how hard you try to leave me."

The demon stood up and went to the adjoining bathroom. He stood by the mirror turning to look at his own appearance. The bonding process had begun and soon he would be able to feel what the little witch felt.

He freshened up and went back to check on the boy whose name he didn't know yet claimed.

"Ah, you're awake." He sat by the bed. "Oh good I'm still having a nightmare." Ben closed his eyes, shaking his head with a palm on his forehead.

"Well it seems I know the reason why you were sent to Hal, your family couldn't control that beast inside you."  Hayes smirked. "I can control it actually, I just didn't want to be controlled, and don't think just because your petty mark is on me you're going to control me."

Ben looked to his wrist and the mark he siphoned, it was now bigger and had a faint gold glow, his inner entity was accepting the demon as a suitable mate and that meant Ben was basically screwed.

"Fuck!" He didn't realize he said it out loud until the demon laughed.

" Let's get you fed, you can be a bitch  all you want later." He stood up and walked toward the door.

Only a day here and I have a fucking demon claim on my ass, he knows about me and now I have to deal with him for possibly the rest of my life. Fuck!

"You coming honey?" He stood by the door with a smirk. "Fuck you and your pet names." Stoic, he came back into the room. "If you want to be fucked just say so."

Ben got off the bed and bounded for the door.
I'm not in the mood for demon dick and bdsm shit not now not ever I'm good!.

"That's more like it." Hayes led the witch to the kitchen.

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