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"Hello Father." Hayes spoke looking at the man who had disgraced him, took away his birthright, and shoved him away like a useless chess piece, Ben stood not far from the two, he could feel the animosity rolling off Hayes.

"Your majesty please come in." Ben asserted feeling the tension skyrocket in the room, he could only do so much to prevent any fight that was brewing between the two. "Thank you, your grace." The older demon replied but Hayes still stood in the way.

"Hayes." Ben warned and the demon reluctantly moved to the side to let his father in, but he was still glaring daggers at him even with his back turned to him. "To what do we owe this unpleasant surprise." The demon king's son finally spoke yet his words came out as a growl.

"I came to talk Hayes, nothing more."  Hayes scoffed looking at his father, the demon had never cared for him, now he suddenly wanted to talk, he knew the reason he wanted to talk was because Demetrius had obviously gone to him and told him everything, the snake had the audacity to meddle in his business.

"I don't want to talk to you." Hayes spat out waiting for the man to leave. "We haven't seen each other in years, it's parents week and I decided to visit my son and he doesn't want to talk to me, well too bad boy, we're going to talk, and you're going to listen." The demon king ordered and Hayes did not crumble due to the pressure of his command.

The demon king was surprised to see that his authority no longer affected his son, he turned to look at the witch who had demon marks all over his skin, they were different than usual with their golden glow. "It seems the Syre witch has made sure you can never be tempered with, this is a good match, now the demons and the witches can finally find common ground." The demon king exclaimed looking at his son with pride.

Ben scoffed looking at his father in law, the demon was what he had expected, power hungry like any mystic monarch. "I'm sorry your majesty but I'm not the king, my brother Kaiser is, and even though I'm mated to your son, I would never be involved with anything monarchs do, I just want peace." Ben responded as his mana surfaced and his aura threatened to spill.

"Such vast reserves of mana and power, you surely do stand with your reputation, shade summoner." The demon replied making Ben angry and Hayes even more so annoyed. "Get out." Hayes demanded but his father remained in the penthouse lounge where they were.

"Not before I give you your right back." The demon king stated baffling Hayes, he knew his father wanted to give him back his claim to the throne, but the reason why confused him. "Why?" He asked as he felt there was more to him visiting than just returning a claim.

"Because you've lived in exile for too long, you've proven your capabilities even without it, and for that, you've earned your place within the family again along with your mate." His response made everything come to light, his father wanted to use both him and Ben to strengthen the demons, and no one from the noble houses could challenge him.

"We don't want any part of what you're planning, I'm happy in exile as you've seen, I don't want the demon throne, I don't want anything to do with it, you threw me out because I was weak and unwanted, now that you found out my mate is Ben and that I beat your pathetic heir, you want me, no, I will not come back, I don't want to!" Hayes yelled as his aura spilled out, the ground beneath his feet shook as it broke apart at the pressure.

His body changed as large wings emerged from his back, his skin was covered in black tattoos as well as golden glyphs, it marveled and baffled his father at the same time because his son was more powerful than any other demon, he himself would have trouble putting Hayes down like Demetrius had told him.

"Now you listen to me Hayes, the throne is yours and no one is fit for it besides you, I will make sure your claim is returned willingly or not." The king threatened and Hayes spread his wings as they changed colour into a pale gold, Ben rushed to stand between the two. "Hayes babe it's okay, look at me it's okay, he's not worth it." Ben soothed and as he did Hayes lost his anger looking at his mate.

The demon who was ready to attack pulled his aura and mana back in and smiled softly toward Ben. "Get out now." Ben ordered and the demon king scoffed. "You have no right." He argued but Ben stood proud even when the demon king towered over him. "I do, this is my home and your presence is unwelcome, now get out." He harshly demanded stunning the king.

"Drac come drag the king out please." Hayes called forth and the ten foot neo beast appeared shocking the king, he towered over the demon king with his height and beast aura. "No need for that, I will be here for the week, it's a chance to meet the other monarchs and our children in one place." He smiled mischievously as Drac pushed him out.

Ben sighed heavily knowing nothing good was to happen this whole week if the demon king had gathered the other monarchs and hatched some kind of plan. "I hate my father in law." Ben mumbled as Hayes held him in an embrace. "You're not the only one who does sugarplum."


"Oh that's rich father, you threw me out of your home like I didn't matter to you, took me for granted, and left me here to suffer, I don't want the dragon throne!" Lucian yelled toward his father the dragon king, he seemed stunned by his son's outburst.

"Don't you dare disrespect your king Lucy, I am your father and you will do as I say, take your claim back and be a king!" He growled with smoke puffing out his nose and mouth. "I don't want it, I just want to be left alone in peace like you've done all these years" Lucian spat out as he looked at the dragon who kicked him out of the nest.

He took his birthright and gave it to his cousin, they feared him for his power and cast him aside, now that his so called perfect heir was no longer as perfect as he thought, he wanted him back, but Lucian wouldn't stand for it, he didn't want the throne even it was offered to him with the proud king on his knees.

"Get out!" Lucian growled and his father moved toward him, both dragons released their auras, the ground beneath them shook and broke apart, the nearest lamp shattered due to the sheer force of their powers colliding, what the dragon king didn't expect was an eighth element added to his son's spiral.

As their powers collided Lucian's eyes turned to purple dragon slits shocking his father even more. "You've bonded." He mumbled to himself, and turned to face his son again with a stoic expression. "Its parents week, I shall be around, do ask your mate to join us tomorrow at lunch, my dear Lucy." He asserted and the room temperature suddenly became scalding.

"Keep the thought of my mate away from your mind, don't even think about going near him, or you'll pay for even a hair that's misplaced on his perfect head." His warning didn't falter as his father could feel the full force of a dragon protecting its claim.

The dragon king smirked as his aura rolled back in and turned to leave, he couldn't say it to his son because it would only anger him more, but he had done everything according to the plans he had for his son without him even knowing it. He was determined to use those flames that turned anything to dust wielded by his son, on his enemies.

"I will keep away from your claim but Lucy you can't exactly keep him away from his father in law forever, that's a bit hateful don't you think." Lucian scoffed looking at his father, he wanted nothing but for him to drop dead or just disappear, keeping Paige away from the dragon king was his top priority, he knew his father craved power, and if he were to know that the next siren matriarch was his mate, his manipulation would surely be in play until he got what he wanted.

That could not happen. "Just get out." Lucian demanded as he sighed, his aura had rolled back in and he felt as if he just heaved a breath of relief when the penthouse door closed, it was going to be a long week at Halwright. He wondered how the others were doing, were they also facing the same problem he was, he hoped this week would end soon.


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