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"Mom, what the hell are you doing here?" Kyra asked in utter shock as his mother appeared in the penthouse he lived in with his mate, Kyra knew there was a reason his mother had come, she and the rest of the Rahuls were like snakes in the grass, elusive and deadly. "You've been avoiding me, I came to see you and inform you of a change that's about to happen." The woman possessed an aura of power and nobility, she was the head of the noble house of Rahul.

"What exactly is that." Kyra hissed not wanting to entertain his mother, he had done well to avoid her for a while. "The royal house of Syre and the royal house of Rahul are to be in a union." She announced and OL who was behind Kyra gasped as did Kyra himself. "What?" Kyra choked out much to his mother's amusement.

"Surprise darling, I finally pulled it off." She announced with a cheer. "How did you even achieve this, Ben's parents would never agree to this." Kyra argued knowing nothing good could come out from a union between two of the strongest witch bloodlines. "They are in full support actually, this was a long time coming dear, and remember Kaiser is mated to your brother, therefore it makes him matriarch." She wistfully spoke and Kyra scoffed, Declan was a weak matriarch then and also it would make Ben a RahulSyre just like Kyra only that Ben was the future king and more powerful.

"Dear it's time to bury the hatchet, I think it's time you left Halwright, attended school with your brother, this also goes for Benjamin, I'm sure Kaiser will tell him." She ordered with a nonchalant shrug as if she was not dictating his life. "Excuse me, you come into my home announcing utterly ridiculous things and now you want me to change schools, since when have you cared about me mother!" Kyra yelled as his aura bubbled up.

"Your precious Declan sold me to the guard, they experimented with my magic as a weapon of destruction, you did nothing about it, you looked the other way while I was in pain, now you come up here acting like you give a shit, you don't mother and that's a fact, I'm not leaving Halwright, I would rather kill Declan than let him breathe the air I do, I hate you mother, and when it comes to Ben, he was the only one there for me, helped me with everything and sent me here so that I could be protected, if anyone has a right to a say in my life it's him, not you!" Kyra yelled as his aura spilled out.

His mother was silent as she looked in awe of her son. "Let bygones by bygones Kyra, it's all in the past, look forward to the future." She replied as her own aura clashed with her son's. "No get out you useless excuse of a mother." He growled with a hiss. "How dare you." The head of the noble house of Rahul lashed out, flames were released from her palm directed to her son, a wall of ice appeared and the flames created an explosion together with the ice and everything was thrown away in the lounge.

"What going on?!" Kaiser yelled walking into the room. "I'm teaching an insolent and ungrateful brat manners." Kyra's mother replied Kaiser who stops next to her. "6th-degree acidic hail." Kyra mumbled as OL stood by his side ready to attack, from air the condensed balls of acid appeared and turned into ice, they were shot toward the noble head and the witch king. The two raised their barriers to protect themselves from Kyra's attack.

Kaiser vanished and appeared behind Kyra, the witch moved faster than he could even see, Kyra roundhouse kicked Kaiser in a split second and turned to send more hail toward his mother. Kaiser was angered by his mate's brother, how he dared to disrespect his king baffled him. Red flames spread around Kaiser's hands and he unleashed them on Kyra, the noble head his mother flicked her finger and from air sharpened stars appeared and she attacked Kyra as well.

OL raised a barrier around himself and Kyra whilst Kyra summoned lightning, he nodded to OL, the barrier was dropped and a surge of lightning passed the room knocking both his mother and the witch king away, he made shards of ice appear and he sent them to both the witch king and his mother.
Kaiser raised his hand and the ice shards vanished and so did his mother, Kyra knew going up again a noble head and the witch king was risky as they were now getting serious about this battle.

If it were a single one on one battle he could've done it but with two of them, the building would be torn apart and he himself didn't know if his mana was enough to fight the two. Kaiser's eyes turned to catslits for a moment but he shook his head and they changed back to normal, his mother now with rage etched on her face. "I won't stoop this low for either of you, so this is what you wanted, Kaiser didn't have enough power to execute the plans he has with Mael, so in return for your support he agreed to the union, how predictable of you mother." Kyra spoke and they had their power increasing the pressure in the room.

A cobalt flame erupted around Kyra. "How pitiful." He mumbled before the room was overtaken with shards of ice that sprouted on every part of the room they were in, along with the cobalt flames, Kaiser couldn't seem to snuff them out with his own flame until Kyra vanished. "That didn't go as planned." The noble head of Rahul mumbled. "No but it did have some result, Ben will know of what Kyra knows, and also I now know we can't reach them unless their in this dimension." Kaiser explained with an angry tone, his power rolled back in as he walked out with Kyra's mother behind him.

"I presume you're talking about the Neo realm." She asserted and Kaiser nodded. "Indeed, only my annoying little brother has access to it as it is a dimension created for him, by him and his children, it's rather tiresome and boring but I can only see my brother at the ball at the end of this week, after that the school will no longer welcome us." Kaiser stated as he was more annoyed and angered by Ben's hiding in a realm, he, only could enter.


"No!" Paige screamed throwing his sister away. "Don't make me kill you sister, because I will, I spared your mate but I will surely make her a widow." Paige warned his sister as she stood up to dust herself off, he knew his sister being here was a bad scheme she had cooked up, he knew his sister hated him for having power she could only dream of.

"That's rather harsh, don't you think so Paige, I'm your sister, you should love me." She sweetly sang walking toward him. "I'd rather have a barbed wire dildo shoved down my throat than love you Ally." Paige retorted and his sister scoffed. "Youll make a great leader and matriarch you know." Ally commented with a carefully crafted poker face.

"I know sis, but I told you, you can have the matriarchal seat over the banshees and the sirens, I don't want it." Paige argued but he knew Ally was relentless, she opened her mouth to attack Paige as they stood in his shared penthouse with Lucian, black flames erupted around her. "None of that now sister." Paige mumbled as the flames ate away at the oxygen surrounding Ally, with no air she couldn't attack, she only choked.

Paige waved his hand and the black flames vanished, it left Ally with one conclusion when she looked at her brother. "So you have a mate, and you've bonded so well to be able to use their abilities as your own, fascinating." She sang after she had calmed down. "I personally don't care about your assumptions, I have a life to live unlike you." Paige spat knowing his sisters was so bent on killing him she barely had time to be a person.

"Don't be so proud Paige." The girl raised her hand and sound waves were released toward her brother, a golden shield appeared around Paige and his sister's attack was a mere scratch on the shield. "How?" She mumbled but Paige only smiled when he saw the Neo beast appear beside him, Ben had assigned a neo beast to each of them so he wouldn't have to continuously open portals for them.

"Let's just say I made the right friends sister." Paige proudly stated making Ally fume. "The nobles and the banshees don't want me as matriarch, they want you, and have requested you change schools, where you'll learn how to be a leader." Ally finally confessed the reason why she wanted her brother dead, her people didn't want her, they wanted a true leader, Paige scoffed. "When have I ever listened to them." He exclaimed taking his bag off the ground, and holding on to his neo beast guard.

"See you around Ally cat." Paige mused as he vanished from where he stood, Ally was furious, but she also knew the truth, she was nowhere near as strong as her brother but she was capable, why couldn't they see it, Paige was always wanted even when he didn't try and she hated that about him.



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