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Moments of Peace, for a little while.

Sovietro Manor.

"Neill, what are you doing back here?" The patriarch growled directly at the man who stood by the door to his office, doctor Charlton awkwardly looked between the two seeing as the tense atmosphere was getting unbearable, she decided to hightail it out before the two got physical. "Um, I will just- have a good day, and don't kill each other." She mumbled before walking to the door where Neill stepped aside and she slipped through and closed the door.

"I said what are you doing here?" The patriarch commanded as he looked at the failure of a son who stood in front of him, he didn't want him here, he didn't want Adrian to suffer more heartbreak, knowing him, his grandson would've figured it out that he wasn't just a friend to the Brooke household, he was their grandfather, Kyle's disappearance had been all the evidence he needed to prove that assumption but Neill being back was the last thing he needed. "Why can't I just come back home to see my father, my children, that you've been purposely hiding from me!" Neill replied as his eyes glazed over red.

"I did no such thing, you left those four to fend for themselves, left a barely fifteen year old boy to fend for his siblings on his own because you couldn't be a father and grow a pair to take care of them." The patriarch replied as his own wolf showed at the surface, how dare Neill accuse him when he had done nothing wrong, he had kept a distance from Adrian and watched him blossom into a powerful being, one that gave praise to the Sovietro name. "You know why I left, Adrian knew why I left, but you kept me from them, and now he's grown up to know a different version of events that you concocted!" Neill replied, harshly slamming his fist on the table, it shattered in half by the blow.

"How dare you boy, if you're looking for someone to blame for your own shortcomings then look in the mirror, I gave you everything, I supported you when you lost your way, I gave you a chance at life but even after your wife died you couldn't do the one thing that was required of you, be a father to your own kids, do you think Adrian, Johnny or the twins are stupid, they know what you did and don't you dare spew nonsense about me screwing with their minds, those four are part of the most powerful and intelligent children I have ever come across, I myself can admit that, so tell me how would I screw with their minds or their lives!" The patriarch yelled as the red glow of his will overshadowed Neill, fierce winds began to blow from shattered windows. "Tell me!" The wolf yelled as his son shifted.

"You're my son Neill, don't you dare forget yourself because you think I would purposefully keep you away from your children, Adrian knows everything, every little thing that's happened before, and that will happen in the future, if you couldn't reach him it's because you didn't try or he's blocked you off like he did with me." The patriarch explained as the ground beneath him shook, he took a step forward and appeared in front of Neill's wolf form, the large beast was slammed down onto the floor but it seemed to have done nothing to quench his rage.

"You may try talk to him but you'll fail, if you're here because you seek his power then I will tell you right now, they too received their mother's curse which means they will know truth from lies, you have lost them, Neill, go back to your wife and kids, no one wants you here." The bulking mass of man with a crimson glow surrounding his body expressed just as he moved away from his son, Neill shifted back and slumped to his knees. "They are my children father." He announced looking at the Patriarch's back. "Not anymore."


"Phoenix Fury." Adrian flew upward as orange fiery wings burst from his back and sent a barrage toward Jax, Kyle, and Enzo who were on the ground, each one had their own shield protecting them from the attack the witch had unleashed. "Good Adrian, now hit them hard." Nik instructed as he stood outside the training arena. "Summoning: God's Fury: Tome of Ice." He called out just as Jax wrapped himself in his tails, Kyle used his will to create a shield whilst Enzo smiled and wrapped himself in a black shield as well, an ice storm gathered in the arena and hit the three men on each side with powerful force.

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