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"Oh shit I'm so late." Adrian groaned, he knew staying late at school on a Friday to watch Jonathan's game would result in him being late, when he glanced at his wrist where his watch was, a small smile spread at the corner of his lips, he was a minute early. When it came to the twins Adrian knew they could entertain each other for hours, so staying at Jonathan's game wasn't all that bad.

"Adrian!" Mark yelled followed by another scream by Martin. "Hey my little princes, I'm sorry I'm late but I have treats to make up for it." Adrian offered and the twins grinned for the bribe. "Okay, we forgive you!" They spoke in unison, it wasn't creepy for Adrian like everyone else, he was creepier anyway with all he could do. In the distance there was a rumble, storm clouds were gathering and it seemed it would rain soon.

"Let's go home boys, it's gonna rain soon." Adrian remarked, as he turned to leave he noticed a black haired boy by one of the swings alone, he recognized the boy, it was Jax's little brother, he remembered him from the time he had gone to their house last week. Adrian wondered why no one had come to get him. "Boys stay here." He ordered and walked over to the little boy.

"Hie." Adrian greeted. "Hey, you're the boy who helped daddy." The little boy instantly replied which somehow made Adrian relax. "Yes, I am, why are you alone, where is Jax or your dad?" Adrian questioned as the teacher in charge walked toward them. "Oh hello Adrian." She greeted. "Hie Mrs. Terry." He replied the teacher with a smile, the two of them were acquintained seeing as the twins were lively and always up to mischief which only Adrian could handle at times.

"Isn't anyone picking him up?" Adrian asked the woman, she had a saddened expression when she looked at the little boy. "His dad used to come pick him up and you know he was caught up in that shooting, now his other father is still at work and I don't know about his brother." She explained and it clicked in Adrian's mind, Jax was still at school, they had a seniors game tonight.

"There is a storm coming and I don't think it's wise to have him here alone, I can take him with us then Jax get him from our house, you can inform his father if that's okay." Adrian offered and Mrs. Terry smiled gratefully, she hadn't meant to stay late at the preschool but the little boy had to be taken home before she left, it was her responsibility. "If it's not too much trouble I guess." Adrian added but the woman brought over Jax's little brother's things.

"No not at all, I will inform his father, and also his brother you do the same." She explained and Adrian smiled kindly to the lady. "Kent, you're okay with leaving with Adrian and the twins, he will stay with you till Jax comes to get you." Mrs. Terry expressed and the boy nodded. "It's okay." He mumbled while getting up from the swing set. "Let's go before it starts to rain." Adrian asserted as Kent held onto his hand and the twins fought over which of them would hold Adrian's other hand.

By the time they got home it was drizzling, the three boys were chatting away in the lounge as Adrian made something between lunch and a late snack. "Boys come eat." Adrian announced and the twins each held Kent's hand and ran with him to the table, Adrian smiled warmly knowing the twins were kind to Kent, and that they knew not to leave him behind like he taught them, basically Adrian had raised his own siblings which hadn't been an easy task.

The little boys each took a plastic plate and cup as they sat at the table, each one waited for their serving and spoke with their mouths full of course but no matter how hard Adrian reprimanded, it wasn't taken in. The house phone rang and Adrian stood to answer it. "Adrian Brooke speaking." Adrian answered after telling the kids to calm down.

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