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Confessed Truths.
Sanya & Jonathan Sovietro.

"What are we doing here?" The patriarch asked as his wife had astral projected both of them to the first Greeneway Bay pack, that Mikhail would learn from first, she had wanted to see if Mikhail was truly learning and it didn't hurt to have his father come along as well. "To see our son find redemption for what he did, I can't find Skyler to show him this, he's probably been cloaked with the heaviest magic possible, he doesn't want to be found, so I need you to accept that there is hope for him, for all our children." Sanya replied as she looked at Mikhail in the far distance, his eyes were red and puffy, he'd been crying, his torso was bandaged meaning he'd been receiving the lashes.

"He seems to be losing weight." The patriarch noted. "Yes, it's not an easy journey my dear, he's only beginning to understand what he put Skyler through, wolves may tolerate a lot of things but abuse of any kind was never one of them, —you know that." Sanya replied as the patriarch nodded, Sanya smiled and made the spell fade, she with her husband were back in their home. "Thank you, for talking to me about it and for taking me there." The large wolf mumbled. "You old sap, I know you, —you may be silent but your emotions never are, they may all mistake you for the strong, brooding, silent type but never myself, I know things affect you, even more deeply, so I know what you needed, now go, —Adrian is going home today." Sanya asserted as she smiled at her husband.

The wolf took her hand and kissed it. "My Iove." He whispered. "Charmer." She blushed as he left, as for Sanya she sighed and began to walk for the stairs but stopped when Erryn and her family walked in escorted by Alora, the man of the house lumbered to the scene from his office, he had wanted to get his coat, only to be met with Neill's other family. "I don't have time for this." The patriatch growled as he tried to pass the wheelchair ridden Neill. "What is this huh, —he's your son and you barely care." Erryn accused and the wolf growled again making her and her children stumble back.

"I have had nothing but care for this insolent child, he came from me, his  mother birthed him and we celebrated for a week, our son, our first born, he was our everything, then her, —she came along and made our family perfect, but do you know the scheming, the plots, the lies, —they tried to kill their mother, he abducted children and forced my pregnant Adrian to do all the horrible things he had to —to keep his family safe, —and I'm the one who doesn't care, what gives you the gall to even think I don't care, I have tried everything with Neill!" The man thundered, his breathing came in harsh pants as his will caused the ground to break.

"I didn't —." Erryn tried to explain. "Of course you didn't know because you thought of rushing here and accusing me as if I'm the one who made him a drug addict, but I was the one who cleaned up his messes, —he dragged his mate into the gutter and left her to die, so what exactly do you know about him, about me or anything of this family, —now when I say I don't have time, it means exactly that, —I am fed up with Neill to the point where he could just rot and I wouldn't care!" He yelled even louder, as he turned and made for the door, Neill from his wheelchair fell from the sheer instinct to get away. "Father, father." He mumbled as the patriarch banged the door so hard it broke into pieces and fell to the floor.

"Neill, —no stay on the chair." Erryn quickly helped him up. "What brings you here Erryn, —I gave you access to everything you and your family needed, and I've instructed the back to create two trust fund accounts for your children, which are now there, you know that, —so what it is it?" Sanya asked with a hardened gaze, the anger she felt from her mate had spilt into her, she hated the feeling of the man she loved furious on the outside but heartbroken on the inside, isn't that what all strong people do when they don't want to show how much pain they're in, to just shove the anger at the forefront.

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