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Fear The Nine Tails.

Milford - Brooke Home.

"Anyone seen Jax?" Johnny asked the family as they sat down for dinner before they began game night, none of them knew where Jax was and it was unusual, he was the one who dragged everyone to the table, always. "After we spoke he said he wanted to talk to Adrian, make sure he's alright." Enzo finally replied as he sat at the table and everyone nodded. "Boys, no magic at the dinner table." Renee reprimanded the triplets as they sat on their seats pouting, caught again doing magic.

"You'll get to practising when Adrian gets here alright." Renee comforted them and the pouts went away as they began to eat. "He's also unusually late." Nik mentioned as Renee hummed. "He's probably helping another soul, lately he's been doing it more often since he'd completely stopped at the beginning of the year now the spirits tend to be demanding more attention though he's found balance in all of it already." Johnny replied as they all chuckled, that was Adrian for you, he always found ways.

"I'm going to check on Jax." Renee announced as he wasn't sure how to place what he felt but was sure Jax was up to something. "Lino!" He called out going up the stairs, Adrian's first familiar was lazy as a cat since he pampered him, the second one even more so. Renee felt around the house with magic and ported to Adrian's workroom which was were Jax was, Lino in his cat form was on his lap and Adrian's second familiar, a scorpion originally now in the form of a very deadly looking black mamba was coiled gently on his neck seemingly at home but all three had their eyes closed and seemed to be absent in the room.

"Oh Jax, where have you gone?" Renee asked as Jax's tails began forming behind him.

The Old Sovietro Manor - Southside Greenway Bay.

"What happened back there?" A blonde witch asked Kyle whose lack of focus caused them all to frown. "Enzo has always been talented, his power isn't something that I can put into words, he's like a witch, he evolves, he grows, much like the rest of us, and being taught under Adrian and Nik, it's something special, I thought we could put him down easily but it seems in just a month he's improved so much that I feel we need more power ourselves to take him down." He explained and Alora nodded, her sharp green eyes piercing as always.

"Then we get more power, if that's what it takes, his demonic blood is what we need for my spell, it's potent enough, now more than ever." She added as the other two people who stood with her in the large drawing room nodded toward her. A tap on the window made them all turn to look into the lit darkness of the night but saw nothing. Another tap much louder this time echoed but they still saw nothing, then a screech so loud it shattered the windows and threw all three to the wall, Alora was knocked down but was up on her feet in seconds.

The doorbell rang as the three looked at each other perplexed. "Lucy, go see who it is?" Alora ordered and Lucy shook her head in refusal. "What ever that was, and the next thing, are both traps, I am not going, how the hell did they even get past my wards without me knowing." She hissed back and Alora had to agree, something wasn't right. The doorbell rang again but then suddenly stopped when a guttural growl above Kyle made his eyes widen. "You have to be kidding me." He muttered. "What the hell is that?!" Lucy screamed.

"Run!" Kyle yelled as he got to his feet and summoned all his strength into his speed and a shield around his body, he and Alora ran for the door whilst Lucy ran for the stairs going up. "Watch out!" Alora yelled again as she unleashed bolts of lightning onto a black fog, suddenly the roof of the manor was broken down, along with the floors of the upper part of the home as a giant snake crawled into the house at full speed aiming to devour Lucy. "Oh hell no!" Lucy screamed as she tried to teleport away but it didn't work, her magic was blocked.

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