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Adrian Brooke.

Ari was exhausted, and it wasn't because of school, no, it was actually the bakery that had needed all his effort, since the extension they've had a lot more customers and the influx in demand has had an impact on staff meaning Renee would need all hands on deck when  they were free. "Now can I sit down?" Ari whined as he had just waited tables and helped in the kitchen all day, which was the equivalent of all the parted shifts. "Yes Adrian you can, you cannot imagine how grateful I am for the help, it means a lot, soon we'll be closing up, the contractor said the next part of the remodel couldn't happen with people around, I trust he'll be done in a week so in that week hopefully I can fully resign from work and find a willing extra set of hands." Renee explained as they sat in the kitchen with a cooling batch of chocolate brownies next to them.

"How is our little wolf doing?" Renee asked as Johnny walked in, he looked better than previous days, it had been a week after his encounter with their family, and Ari along with the family had been helping Johnny and Enzo find balance without Kyle, the bond was broken, Adrian knew that, when he looked at Johnny and felt the string of fate, there was only one, connected to Enzo, and it might be represented as a string but it was more, Ari knew that. "He's feeling better, actually got out of the house today." Adrian replied as he used his psychic powers to actually have a conversation with Johnny. "I needed the fresh air, plus Enzo had to show up to class today which left me alone at home today, I couldn't stand the tv noise." Johnny replied through the psychic link as Renee went over to hug him. "I'm glad you're just up and walking little brother." Ari stated as he smiled toward the two.

"Say, can I get a warm brownie?" Johnny spoke looking at the tray as Renee let go of him. "Yeah sure, this is why I bake after all." Renee grinned making Adrian chuckle, he was glad Johnny was feeling better. The lights suddenly flickered on and off, it made Ari frown questioningly. "What was that?" Renee asked as he felt around with magic but came up with nothing, then the lights suddenly brightened way too much, it was as if they were being ignited with too much electricity, so they started popping, each one in the kitchen bursting into tiny pieces of glass. "Everyone get out!" Renee screamed at his other workers and they all rushed out but not Adrian, there was something familiar about the light bursts. So he allowed himself to see and when he did he found the source.

"Could you please stop that?" He asked the woman, pale white skin, she seemed so dried out as if she had no blood or water in her, then it clicked in Adrian's mind, she died through electrocution hence why she was affecting everything electrical near her. "I don't know how." She whispered as another wave of electricity rolled off her causing the cafe lights to burst aswell. "Relax, look at me and relax." Adrian coaxed the ghost as he opened his palm and orange flames flickered into being. "Can you feel them?" He asked and the woman nodded. "I'm so cold, thank you." She muttered coming closer. "Wait, how is this possible, how can you see me?" She moved back afraid but Adrian raised his hands to show he wasn't going to harm her.

"I'm a psychic, I can see the manifestation of remnants left by old life." He explained and she turned her head, confused. "I can see ghosts, ghouls, the whole non existent mystical creatures, and I'm assuming you felt a pull here and I'm also assuming you died violently." Adrian explained it all, going through each  statement with slow tentative grasp so she understood. "I didn't even know I died, well I knew but then, now it feels real." She replied and Adrian understood, it never feels real until you can't feel anything and the cold of the aether sets in. "Maybe I can help, it's why you were drawn here." He added and she came closer with a nod, the electricity sparked again and Adrian knew this was the last place they needed to be.

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