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Adrian & The Triplets.

"Yay, Mags!" Martin cheered as he sat in the back of the car, whilst Kent rolled his eyes and Mark just ignored them both. "I thought you guys would be more excited to be going to the Demair?" Adrian questioned and that's when they all smiled. "Wait, —we aren't going to the dentist again, but that's what you told older brother Jax." Martin argued and Adrian chuckled to himself. "I only told him that so he wouldn't worry about us, we are actually going to the Demair, to see Mags, and do some shopping then we go into the city and have lunch, just you three and me." Ari explained and the three boys cheered loudly.

"Road trip!" Kent cheered in his car seat, they always protest how they're older now and don't need the seat, which was true, they were all older and bigger now but dad still worried about them, so they would stay with the seats until they were a bit older. "So what do you want?" Ari asked as he drove down the street with Mag's shop looking for a spot to park and he found just the right one. "I want the everlasting candy." Mark stated seriously. "Pops got that for you last week." Adrian protested. "Yeah, last week." Kent rebuffed as Ari's jaw just hung loose, everlasting candy was hard to finish, it was in the name, everlasting, yet these three were finishing it in a week.

"We might just want a dentist." He whispered to himself as he parked and got out of the car whilst the boys unbuckled themselves. "Please make sure you have the phone pops gave you, —in fact where is it?" Ari asked as Martin held it up and showed it to Adrian before putting it back in his pocket. "Great, let's go." He smiled as the car flashed it's lights showing how it was locked. "Mags, hello!" Adrian called out as the three behind him all ran into the store with a few more patrons than usual. "Ari, over here!' The woman replied as she waved her hand above an isle at the back of the store.

"Here you go Jen, —Ari hello, it's been a while, you haven't visited lately, only Johnny or your pops." She addressed him with a pout and Ari chuckled hugging the woman. "I've been busy, we've all been busy honestly, but what I needed, I needed to get myself." Ari told the woman who was intrigued right then. "Well then, over here it is, —Linda can you watch  those three, they're quite the troublesome trio." She asserted calling out to her assistant and Adrian was grateful to have someone watch them too even if the shop's magic prevented any children to leave if they hadn't originally come in alone, and he himself had put a charm on the trio before leaving home, they wouldn't stray far from him, even if they wanted.

"So what brings you?" Mags asked. "About two weeks ago, a were-Jaguar and a kitsune tried to abduct my mate, of course we saw them before they saw us, and were able to get out, Mags I need to know if there is a way that any members of house Malain are alive, or even the alpha of the kitsune pack?" Ari questioned as Mags hummed before turning to Adrian with eyes filled with worry. "Ari I'm sorry first of all, I guess I should've warned you a long time ago about this, the kitsune pack began rebuilding about a few months ago, they're being led by a very powerful alpha with a were-jaguar beta, he wants any and all weres, except wolves, their natural enemy, his goal is to take back the land the wolves took when they  were displaced by the patriarch after the rebellion, but that's not all, —the alpha, he's been looking for something, —or someone or both, I don't really know, which is a source of very powerful magic that could aid him in his march." Mags explained as Ari finally understood.

"What I don't get is why my family, all over again." Ari questioned as Mags laid a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Your mate is the most powerful kitsune I've seen in centuries and he hasn't even reached full maturity yet, this alpha would want him in their ranks, and I don't know but he might be under the impression that Jax might be the key to whatever source he's looking for." She explained and Ari held a hand to his stomach, he was entering his fourth month and baggy clothes weren't doing much with hiding his obvious pregnancy bump. "How's the littlest one?" Mags asked and Ari chuckled, if only she knew the restless nights he had because of the cravings that never ceased.

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