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Sanya and Sonia Sovietro.

"Oh you should've been there dear, it was magical, I even cried, even when I think about it, I feel all warm and argh." Sanya rambled on like a young girl again and infatuated by love. "Mom, you've been day dreaming about the proposal for a month now, every chance you get." Sonia retorted making her mother laugh. "It was just that beautiful my girl, I never thought romantics could do that to me, make me feel so loved, you should've been there, I wish your father did that for me, —he never does anything romantic, always the practical one." She exclaimed making Sonia laugh again.

"Maybe he'll surprise you just yet, I can't wait to see my nephews though, or the surprise on Adrian's face when he realizes he's having twins." She swooned as her mother nodded happily. "Oh, —I wish we could be there, help him to the hospital, and hold the new borns." Sanya muttered sadly. "And what's stopping you?" Alora asked in a small voice by the door to Sonia's room, the two, mother and daughter looked to Alora without divulging any emotion. It was true that she had asked, pleaded and begged for forgiveness but Sanya wasn't just ready yet to accept that her own daughter had poisoned her to the brink of death, it was hard, especially when she had given her, —her all.

"Sonia dear thank you for the tea, it was wonderful, I'll go call Jax and see if I can drop by their home later, I just have a feeling, it might soon be time." Sanya told her daughter patting her hands tenderly before heading for the door, she said no word to Alora, didn't even acknowledge her other daughter.

"Why is she like that?" Alora asked. "Like what, —hurt?" Sonia questioned. "You poisoned her without a care, she carried you for nine months, took care of you until you were independent, and even after then, she's protected you from your worst self, —and you found it, along with Neill and Mikhail easy to poison her." Sonia answered in a scoff. "And you ask me why she's like that." She added mockingly. "Pardon me sister, mother's calling, I'm sure she has word on Adrian." The curvaceous witch stated as she passed by Alora, her red dress tight on her body, it was as if the material itself was struggling to contain her hour glass figure, her  black heels clicking on the floor, she knew Alora was watching as she left, and didn't care, karma was a bitch.

"Father, he's your son, don't you care at all, won't you even bother finding out how he is, —shouldn't your precious medium answer for this?" Mikhail harshly questioned as the patriarch turned to look at him whilst standing in their smaller lounge, his mate by his side. "Mikhail if living here is such a toll on you, get out, I don't care." His father hissed back as he nodded to his mate, she smiled and left to get their coats. "I never said that, but I got a call from Erryn, she says he's catatonic, he just blinks, and drools, father, he broke Neill's mind, —he took it too far." Mikhail argued. "In my opinion, —he should be grateful he's alive, he tormented the Milford family for no apparent reason, he wanted to drain them and leave them broken, —as husks, and he would've succeeded if the medium you so casually mention, did nothing." The patriarch's mate, Sanya— stated as she shocked Mikhail.

"Mother he's your son." He protested. "And I taught him to love, respect his elders and take care of the people he loves, —I didn't teach him to poison his mother, to abduct children and attempt to kill them, his father never taught him to go behind the family's back and make plans with our enemy because he felt like it." Sanya shot back and Mikhail deflated when that statement had finally been said outloud. "I'm sorry mother." Mikhail whispered tears burning his eyes. "Sorry isn't good enough, your brother should've known his enemy before attacking, —he should've known that Johnny, Jax and that demon coming here in defense was being reasonable, —he never learnt his lesson until it was too late, Adrian is a sleeping tiger, poke him once he show you annoyance, twice he'll warn you, poke a third he'll punish you, and Neill's judgement came, —he wanted to make his children husks, he was made a husk himself, and I don't hold any sort of resentment over what happened, he laid the bed, he's sleeping in it, —dear lets go." The patriarch, father of all replied and Mikhail nodded in understanding.

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