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"I never knew what they looked like." Jax mumbled as he relives the vision Adrian had shown him, he hadn't expected to see that it was his parents, he didn't expect to get a huge piece of the puzzle to his birth parents or his mystical origin. "I'm sorry." Adrian comforted as Jax pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, I always wanted to know if my parents wanted me or not, if they gave me up willingly or not and now I don't get to blame them, they offered themselves to slaughter so I could live and I will always be grateful." Jax confessed as he hugged Adrian, it was the truth that he spoke, Adrian could feel it.

"It's alright, now we need to break the chains on both of you, I can reverse the spell cast with the moonstones, and with the wards on the house no one will sense you, so you can try to regulate your mana and will." Adrian explained in simplicity but he knew the process was going to hurt and it wasn't going to be as easy. "But first let me made dinner because this is going to be a long night, Jax I advise you call your dad, you can tell him you're sleeping over." He offered the choice to Jax since it was best that he didn't leave the house without regulating his aura.

"Okay I will get on it." Jax replied and left the lounge, Adrian stood up and walked to the kitchen, and he began cooking as Johnny walked into the kitchen with a sad smile. "What's wrong wolfy?" Adrian questioned looking at his taller little brother. "I just feel bad for Jax, he didn't deserve what happened, though he's got his dad, he's lost a lot and I'm hoping we can make up for some of what he's lost." Johnny explained and Adrian walked over to him and hugged him.

Johnny was somehow an empath, other people's feelings affected him so much that he felt them as his own, it had helped him tell truth from lies for a long time. "I know wolfy, and we'll do whatever we can to make sure that he's okay, all we can do now is be there for him." Adrian replied softly and pressed a kiss to Johnny's cheek, the two let go and Adrian moved back to his cooking on the stove. "My dad says it's alright since he was already going on a work trip, I suggested it this morning, he needs to leave the city and breath, that's exactly what he's doing." Jax informed Adrian and Johnny as they sat in the kitchen.

Adrian nodded with a smile and Johnny nodded as well, although Adrian knew it took a lot to deal with loss, he'd often realize that the best way to deal with it was accepting it head on, it made life easier to manage, the pain to lessen, so what Jax had offered his father was the right thing, he needed time away to grieve and face his own pain head on, even if his husband's soul had made peace and moved on to the nether. Adrian slid the jar of vanilla cookies and two glasses of milk toward Jax and Johnny, he didn't say a word just winked and went back to cooking.

Johnny immediately had his hands in the jar and Jax had half his milk down his throat, Adrian watched the two eat their feelings out, it was a good remedy, always. After he finished cooking and letting everything simmer, Adrian moved from the kitchen to the library which was also huge enough to make a workroom, which he desperately needed, with the stocked ingredients he got and his many grimoires he got to work finding the perfect spell that would work in concert with the moonstones and his own magic.

"Got it." He whispered to himself and began preparing the ritual, he cleared the center of the room with his telekinesis, and flicked his fingers so that a tetragram appeared on the ground, he walked over to a shelf and heaved the bag of rock salt, making a circle with the salt on top of the tetragram he moved again to place candles at each point of the star. "Johnny, I need six runic dials." He called out and Johnny immediately walked into the library and moved over to the shelf with the dials, he handed them over to Adrian who placed each one behind a candle.

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