bonus #6

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Xavier was literally going to have a heart attack.

Aurora looked around the kitchen, biting her lip as she noted the mess they had created. Xander sat on the counter, swinging his legs as he clapped his hands, watching in awe as the white powdered flour made a small cloud in the air.

There were streaks of white across his flushed face and his thick dark brown hair was matted and curled with sweat, evident of his involvement in the baking process. Her husband would understand, right?

Either way, she already had her signature puppy dog eyes and pout ready for use in case he didn't.

"Can we eat cookie, mama?" Asked Xander, looking up at her with pleading puppy dog eyes.

Yep, he was most definitely her son. It was actually fairly effective in this household, especially when used against Xavier.

"After dinner, baby," promised Aurora. "But only if you eat everything on your plate."

Xander nodded enthusiastically, wanting dinnertime to come soon so he could have a bite of his precious dessert. His mama always made the best desserts and he loved being her little taste tester. Maybe she would even add a scoop of ice cream on top of it like she did last time.

Being 35 weeks pregnant left Aurora not much to do. She was already on maternity leave and this time around, Xavier's overprotectiveness seemed to have doubled. But she understood why. With the twins, her pregnancy had been tough, and with the additions of possible complications, Xavier made sure to keep his eye on his wife at all times.

Despite his need to text and call her every hour to check up on her and the baby fluttering around in her stomach, she didn't find him overbearing. He cared and that was what mattered.

It had been a month since she had gone on maternity leave and she wasn't going to lie, she loved spending time with Xander, Jared, and Jayden at home. Sure, they could be a handful— she often wondered where they got their cheekiness from and she swore it wasn't from her, but she often had help. With her mother and Isabella over quite often to help look after their darling grandsons, it made everything a lot easier on her end.

So, that just left her with one problem.

She was fucking bored out of her mind.

With Xavier's overprotectiveness and the doctor's suggestion for her to take it easy this pregnancy, she was barely left alone without someone by her side. If she wanted to go out, Xavier made sure either he, his parents, or just anyone available that he trusted was with her in case something happened. She cursed her clumsiness that didn't seem to ease up while she was pregnant.

And so, she decided to take on baking. She wasn't a bad baker, per se, but add a 4-year-old to the mix and chaos would surely ensue. Every time they baked, it was as if a tornado had gone through the kitchen and turned everything upside down.

Today, with a bit of free time on her hand, using Isabella's famous white chocolate macadamia cookie recipe, she decided it would be a good idea to bake with Xander, her trusty helper.

One would think, it was only cookies. How hard could it be?

Well, it certainly made it difficult when she had a very enthusiastic 4-year-old by her side "helping" her. Pans were flipped around and the baking paper was thrown off to the side. But most importantly, flour seemed to be everywhere. Xander always managed to miss the bowl when adding the ingredients into the mixing bowl even with his mother's help.

She couldn't even get mad at him when he looked so happy to be helping his mama whenever he could. She thought back to the conversation she had overheard when Xavier was tucking Xander into bed one night— the memory making her heart warm as a beautiful smile adorned her face.

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