t w e n t y f o u r

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"I missed you."

Aurora sat in her seat, across from Xavier with a pout on her face. She had desperately missed his gentle touches and kisses this week.

It had been a couple of days since the two had last seen each other, but to the couple, it felt longer. Aurora had gotten busy with clients as well as finalizing everything for the Knight hotel and getting it approved by the city. Xavier was also swamped with work, attending meeting after meeting, even going on a short two-day business trip to oversee a project at one of the branches in Seattle.

Even though they had not seen each other, they made sure to text, call, and FaceTime each other while being apart. They usually ended their nights FaceTiming, both falling asleep with their laptops next to them.

Xavier had gotten back earlier that day and immediately asked her to join him for dinner, wanting to spend his evening with her.

"I missed you more, love," he held her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. She gave him a happy smile as she looked him over.

He looked tired, which made sense since he had just landed back in Los Angeles over an hour ago. She had tried to convince him to go back home to rest, but he managed to convince her to let him take her out for dinner.

They were currently at a nice restaurant that Xavier and his family dined at often. Since they arrived at the restaurant during the peak of dinner time, it was quite packed, but being the Xavier Knight meant he was able to get them seated rather quickly.

"I'm sorry again about my mom on Saturday," She apologized once again, looking down at their entangled hands. "I completely forgot my mom was going to stop by."

"Sweetheart," he gently coaxed. "How many times do I have to tell you that it's not anything you have to apologize for."


"No buts," Xavier gave her a scolding look. "Even though I was surprised, your mother is a very lovely woman. I was actually more worried that I wasn't leaving a good impression—I mean, you did spend the night at my house."

Aurora felt her cheeks warm up as her heart melted. "Why were you worried? You had nothing to worry about."

"Of course I did," he sheepishly said, bringing his free hand up to rub the back of his hand. Clearing his throat he continued. "It was the first time I was put in this situation and I really wanted your mom to like me."

Giving him a gentle smile, she rubbed soothing circles on his hand. "You've never done this before?"

Xavier scoffed, looking into her eyes. "Of course not, love. You know how I am."

"Well," began Aurora, as she leaned forward, placing a small and gentle kiss on his lips before sitting back down on her seat. "If it makes you feel any better, I think you did an amazing job meeting my mom on Saturday. She loved you and she won't stop raving about you whenever she calls. I had to make sure she kept quiet about us."

"You promise?" He asked, showing his vulnerability. She was one of the only ones who sees him without his guard up.

"I wouldn't lie to you," she gave his hand another squeeze. And she didn't. Every time her mom would call, all she talked about was Xavier, wondering how he was doing. It seemed like Xavier managed to charm her mother. She just hoped her brother and dad would like him as well.

"That's a relief," he muttered. "You didn't tell your dad about us?"

"Not yet," she answered, knowing that her father was overprotective of her and that she had to tell him herself. "I want to tell my dad and brother about you in person. Connor's coming home next weekend for Lunar New Year, so I'm planning to tell them both at the same time. If mom accidentally spills it, my dad will sulk for days."

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