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Sleep. Sleep is all you wanted. But sleep isn't what you were getting today.

It was already 6 in the morning, your anxiety was chewing through your thoughts and body today.

Not only did you not have any birth control you also did not make a plan b. Surely you had enough time to go get some but if they saw pro hero Valkyrie waltz into a Walgreens- ugh you could already hear the media eating this up.

Tossing and turning in your memory foam bed that didn't seem to remember you as well was just pain.
Your thoughts on what had happened and hawks just kept coming back. You needed clarity and you needed it soon.

You had already sent a lengthy paragraph, tried calling him, and soon you were about to fax his agency. But sadly, he had changed his number or blocked you because none of your methods were going through.

You tried not to take it personally, but with that whole monologue, it was hard not to. He had gone on about 'mating for life' after he just hit it and quit it. But you couldn't blame him. No in fact you are to blame.

You could have seen the signs. Now- you didn't know much about birds and bird anatomy but, you knew birds went through a period around the springtime, where it would be time to nest and mate. I guess those genes crossed over to him with his quirk.

That's when it clicked. The distancing, the careless behavior he had shown you in his office, his all of a sudden defensive demeanor...the signs were like neon lights but it seemed like you were wearing UV glasses.

Mentally slapping yourself for being so dense and narrow-minded you closed your eyes and took a deep breath

Just one hour asleep, you just needed one hour.


Things have been remotely quiet.
After the attack on all might things surprisingly calmed down.

Hawks was now fully emerged into his double life. He had to follow through with the mission.

The commission had given him enough time to situate his rut dilemma at a time frame. He knew if he didn't handle it now it would have impacted the way he would work.

He just wished he wouldn't have confessed his most venerable secret the way he did. He wished he could have enjoyed it without feeling guilty of not being able to wake up next to your delicate body.

To not see your sleepy eyes flutter open after you gave yourself to him. He just desired to hold you close and take care of you after that night.

Daily reports were all hawks were assigned. They needed to know the league's next move.  It had struck him odd as to why they were keeping this a secret. He knew you had no idea about this branch of the commission, and the things you did know were mostly shunned away since this was its own private branch.

Hawks was currently sitting in one of the league's many main quarters. This was a step up since He was only seeing one member in either a bar or the members in a random ally like if that wouldn't give them away.

So them letting him into the base was a huge step up.

" So when are we gonna attack again? I'm getting bored in this dusty smelly place" one of the league members that went as toga cried out.

So far she seemed one of the more unhinged ones besides The main leader Shigaraki,
" very soon we have already put out plan into play, In fact, Kyudai Garaki has already subjected the type 008 nomus into testing" malice dripped out of Shigaraki's mouth.

" to strike in a month would be a hefty task, but if we can get our ' final ' surprise ready till then we shouldn't have a problem.

He knew something wasn't right, and he knew that they are still tiptoeing around hawks like a possible traitor, they were right but they didn't need to know that

" the fall of the heroes is so close I can almost taste their fear, it's like it's on the tip of my fingers"
With that wicked grin Shigaraki left off with a cold-hearted smile could give any child nightmares for the rest of their adolescence

Sitting in your office once more filling in witness reports and filling in progress reports for Your trainee was very time-consuming.

The silence was deafening as the only thing producing sound was your breathing and the sound of papers shuffling.

You glanced at the stack of papers once more that held all of Hawks' information. The clock seemed to tick very loudly as you snatched the file and read them once and for all.

Finally taking in all the information once and for all, from his birth name to his progress reports of two months ago.

You felt a ting of anger rise in you as you have been left in the dark of all this. Your quirk was just as capable as hawks were, what made him so special, you were just as good if not better...

Clenching the papers in your hands you felt the ends start to rip and wrinkle under your grasp.
You let them go as you noticed the tears smearing the handwriting on hawks progress reports.

You had worked on all your life, training for as long you could remember, they molded you as perfectly as any war soldier could be...

Then why did it feel like you were just standing on the sidelines watching like a hawk...

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