C H A P T E R 2 - Getting Closer

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—Authors note—
So I'm still trying to get the hang of my writing style! So I'm sorry if the few first chapters seemed rushed and terrible! I'm trying to improve, and see how I'm going to tackle the story with minimal planning, needless to say, I need a rough draft...

The night was very long. With your new bird friend catching up and getting you tipsy ( more than you were to begin with) you hardly got any of your work done.

You woke up the next morning with little to no recollection of what you two talked about. You were conscious during the confrontation and the apology but it all went blurry and fragmented.

You had gotten in your bed, oddly with a shirt, you didn't even remember getting in your bed, to begin with! You groaned as you walked towards the living space area and saw your work eagerly eating for you. You cried eternally seeing that papers were waiting for you and not a glass of water and some Advil to soothe the pain.

You look at the time that was in the microwave.

7:45 am

Not bad for someone who felt they got beat to a pulp. Maybe you were used to the nagging feeling at this point. You washed up soon after and got dressed. You had two objectives

Make some bombast food

And tackle your overflowing paper works.

You figured to start with food. You loved snacking on things while working, it's just a simple time management skill you like to think about.

You made some simple pizza and made ramen while you waited for that to finish up.

You sat on the stool while typing away on your computer. You worked on the paperwork for a while till you got a text. Like a savior, you grabbed your phone thankful for the small break. You look at the unlisted number

####:you better have me under #3 hero ;)

You snorted as you recognized right away.
Hawks had texted you, even tho you don't remember much of the events that happened you did have little fragments here and there.

You: yeah yeah, how did you get my number anyway?

You waited for his reply for a while before having to slip back into work mode. Again a ding came from your phone and already had it in your hand reading it.

Hawks: don't you remember, you gave it to me yesterday after you were allllllllll over me

You blushed reading that last bit. You put your phone down. Was that true? Where you all up in his space, what over embarrassing stuff were you doing?

You: what??! I did not do that! Either way, it was probably just your imagination, you wish I was 'all over you'

You set your phone down as you heard the ding of the pizza is ready. You set your phone aside as you took out your delicious pizza. Before you took a slice you set it aside to cool as you looked down at your phone.

Hawks: well, I wanted to see if you wanted to patrol together today? Maybe grab a drink after

You looked at the time to see what time you were scheduled to patrol. You thought for a bit and agreed Leaving the time and the section of the city you usually patrol.

The time rolls around and you had gotten a decent amount of paperwork done. At least more than half was finished. You waited at the corner waiting for
the winged hero to arrive.

The place you were stationed was very calm most of the time. Only local disputes and no big villains attacked your comfy little city. But you were always called by other surrounding cities to help out, hence the heavy load of tedious work.

After what seemed like hours, hawks had swooped in " sorry airline traffic was horrible" he joked, you rolled your eyes and tsked " for the man who's "too fast" he sure was late." You cross your arms while walking proceeding to walk past him.

"Toucan play at that game," he smirked already sneaking in his bird puns, if only you knew this ahead of time, you would have rejected.

The walk consisted of mostly people gushing over hawks, he was certainly famous among the locals and a crowd favorite at most. When he wasn't getting rushed but fans he was being able to engage in small talk with you.

It was a change of pace, patrolling didn't feel tedious this time around. And oddly enough, his company enough was satisfying to you.

Later on, you two had settled at a bar where he had ordered a few drinks for the both of you. " so how long have you been stationed here?" He asked while sipping his drink

You held your drink close while thinking for a bit " it hasn't been true that long but it's been a year or less"

You had drunk too much yesterday that you decided to babysit your drink tonight. " oh so your still a newbie" he gave you a grin while you rolled your eyes and sighed " sure let's not forget who helped you get strong as a kid" and you raised your brows at him while taking a baby sip of the martini you had ordered.

He gawked a bit and averted his eyes " I meant to this town you didn't have to come for my feathers like that" he mumbled while you laughed softly.

A comfortable silence fell upon the two.

You looked at your full glass of wine and him before speaking again and breaking the comfortable silence " thanks for reaching out hawks...." you said softly tracing the rim of the martini glass.

He gave you a slightly weird look while nodding " I've always wanted to reunite..this was just a now or never type of situation"

" now or never?" you tilted your head slightly to show your confusion. Was he not going to ever talk to you?

" It's been very dangerous for me and everyone around lately...I didn't want to waste my chance to make up for lost time...if you know what I mean" he cleared his throat, little pink tinted his cheeks

You smiled and dipped your martini and hummed " I see I see"

For years you would never imagine sitting with one of the top-ranking hero's, and maybe falling deeper into the hole of what you could feel of begging for something more

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