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HELLO yeah I've been so unmotivated for no reason- and it's like damaging a lot of my creative flow and just thinking about doing anything remotely creative, in other news I have a patron so let me know if y'all are interested in hearing more about that hahaha,Also I did in fact take a break..I had to do a really harsh decision and at first it used to be a goal to ALWAYS respond to my comments but..THERES SO MANY OF YOU. I love you all and thank you so much for the support and what I had to I sadly will no longer be replying to comments for a while and or reading them :/ and it sucks Bc Alot of you all had great humor...anyway enough about my dumbass time to get back to the regularly scheduled program

You walked beside your prodigy, silence filled the air between you two as you looked forward, but also stealing a few glanced at him to see if he was nervous.

But boy can he hold in his emotions. Anyone else around you would of suspected him to be a up and coming side kick next to you the way he presented himself. Very impressive.

You looked around the atmosphere around you starting to feel a bit off.. it was something you didn't experience often but this was if genuine fear filled your sense.

You looked around now to see if any danger was near or even showing. The look on people's faces was in fact what you suspected. Happy and cherry with no care in the world. Family's laughing, sales people barging with a few people to your left and couples walking side by side.

Almost like a normal day

You continued to walk on ahead and wanted to break the silence a little. He was going to be with you for some time so might as well start getting to know him a bit better. Maybe it can help on guiding him to the right direction.

" So? You have been in the hero course long enough to have established a hero name right? Have you got one that I can start addressing you by?" Your tone was soft and sweet almost inviting to the younger hero in training.

The sudden question seemed to have caught him off guard making a face of almost confusion as his brain searched for the answers.

Almost like if deja vu that feeling came back but even Bakugo seemed to have felt the shift in the universe.
Trying to remain calm you casually glanced around till you saw a group of people huddled around a table with a man sitting in front of a laptop.

Instinctively you brought out your work phone and looked at the local news. Bakugo following suit and checking his social media's.

Almost as if time stopped your body had gone cold.
It wasn't long ago that all might fell off the hero charts leaving Endeavor to do the job as being the number one hero. But to see all might use the last bit of power from what you observed was something completely frightening.

But you knew, this was only the distraction they had to have something up their sleeves. 

The sight of the battle seemed to be fresh from what broadcasters where filming and no doubt something was coming towards civilians.

Almost like a alarm you where getting calls from the commission. You are needed

You put your phone away and turned to the young hero " are you afraid of heights?" Bakugo looked up from his phone to see your wings appear, they where as pretty as journalists described them as, glimmering in the light yet translucent enough to see through them.

Before Bakugo could properly answer you grabbed him and almost at the speed of light you where in the sky.

Bakugo felt his breath get tighter the higher and faster they went. It almost was hard to take full breaths of air. You seemed like this was just a typical Wednesday.

You landed back on your feet and ran into the building, bakugo followed in close while gasping for the air he had just regained while trying to regain balance, he was just experiencing everything in one day.

Your wings seemed to have faded out after reaching the meeting office. You stopped at the door and turned to Bakugo while giving him a apologetic look
" sidekicks from this point on are not allowed in briefings but you could go pick up my files and get started!" You smiled and winked. Before you can even see the poor boys face of disappointment you could hear a low groan and 'tsk' com from him before entering the room

Officials already set, two pro hero's already here to join you. One of them being miss joke and a local hero.

" glad you can swoop by just in time" the head officer spoke while offering a smile. You bowed in response before taking a seat at the table with the rest " as some are aware the league has been at it again. Striking where it hurts. It started with small petty raids that have lead up to this attack." The slide shows of crime scene passed by the smart board and you paid close attention

Files where passed to you as you opened them up.

The files of the members and what knowledge they had of them laid out in neat folders, the more you skimmed the more surprised you had become. Until you came across a certain name.

" Hawks "

You gulped down your saliva and held the paper tightly almost creating crinkles. Are they considering him a villain? What did he have to do with any of these? He's a hero he shouldn't even be a suspect?

" ...Valkyrie?" The chief voice broke you out of your rambling throughs and you looked up almost in a bit of confusion but trying not to let it show

" miss Valkyrie do you have anything to add to this?"

" what if this is to throw us off?" You splurt out unaware that it was a reflection of your own feelings " what if attacking all might while on his 1% was to distract us with something bigger. They know this is gonan be on the media for the next three days or so." You pointed out while pushing the files aside " this was their plan all along and if we play their cards then we can put japan in high risk"

The people started to mumble while the pro hero exchanged glances at each other

Did they not believe you? Would they even take that thought into consideration

" that could be a possibility but under these circumstances it would seem hard to pull off after using their main attack on former #1 hero all might just for a distraction." A officer brought up while everyone mumbled and shook their head in agreement

You felt embarrassed, not only did they shut down your only good hypothesis but he also managed to catch you off guard

But questions still lingered subconsciously maybe hawks was also working on that case it it must of gotten mingled with the rest, that had to be it.

He couldn't be working for the Enemy...he was the good guy...

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