"You should be Docent." Pt. 1

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Authors POV 🥥

"Hi Tsuki!" Y/n said to her date as she opened the door. "Kei." He says with a monotone voice. He had her favorite flowers in a bouquet in his hand. So he handed them to her. They both entered the house and went to the kitchen."Yes I know your name is Kei, but I like Tsuki more. Wait no. LAMPPOST! Yeah lamppost is better." Y/n said as she smirked at him.

"Tsuki then." He said that and had a tiny blush, but it went away and he was back at being all SaltySaurs again. Y/n had put the flowers in a vase, and ran up to her room to put them away.

"Psst." He turned around to be met with Ono, and Tatsuo. "If you do anything to her and I mean anything you better pray we don't find you" he paused "Actually you pray Inu doesn't find you. " Tsukishima wasn't fazed at all, he had past girlfriends with older brothers that said the same thing, and look he's still standing. To boost his ego a little more, they were her friends, what are they gonna do?

"I see that cocky ass smirk of yours coming up, so we're making this quick before you can say a shitty ass remark." Ono had stopped and reached for Tatsuo's hand. We he had a grip they both slightly stepped away. Inu had gotten up from the couch and made his way towards Tsukishima.

"Like they said do anything to her. Your dead. I will personally chop off your fingers shove them down your throat, then brake your legs, and throw you in a basement. I will pull a Sangwoo on your ass (bye why did i right this), so don't test us. Especially me. I know how to hide a body by the way, so save yourself the trouble." Inu had gotten out of Tsukishimas face and made his way upstairs to say goodbye to Y/n

Ono had made his way to the bathroom. Tatsuo was just standing there with a visible shaken Tsukishima.
"Sorry about him. He's really protective of her, and most likely won't do anything he said he would do. But there is a big possibility that he would if he really wanted to. So no pressure!" Tatsuo left him in the kitchen to go Y/n's room as well.

"Hey you good? Looks like you saw a ghost."
Y/n entered the kitchen where he was.

"I'm fine."
Tsukishima made his way towards the door Y/n following behind.

She just giggled at his response and went out the door.
Tsukishima was about to close it when he saw Inu on the stair case giving him the most scariest expression ever. He quickly shut the door and quickened his pace so he could catch up to the girl and get far away from the house as soon as possible.

Hi thank you for all the reads. Short filler chapter, and sorry Tsuki is OOC a lot!

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