Through the Storm

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A few days passed. And before Izuku knew it that was another week gone. A lot had happened in the space of a few days. Plenty of training to be exact. In fact he was sure he had improved greatly all thanks to Katsuki that is. Without any real need to he had helped Izuku get back on his feet and begin the road toward Japan's number one hero once again. Izuku in turn really appreciated everything that the other had done for him. Things were really starting to turn around with them. They seemed to get along much easier than previously and it really made Izuku happy. All of it, his progress in everything, was making him much happier now. And that's all Katsuki wanted for him.

"That was less shitty than the last time," Katsuki praised, in his own loving way, as Izuku fell back and landed on his butt for the hundredth time that day.

He frowned, brushing dust off his shorts, his knees getting red and bloody from the amount of times he'd stumbled and been knocked down. "I just can't get it right."

"Well obviously not instantly idiot. Do you not remember how long it took you to master All Might's quirk? It'll come eventually."

They'd been practising a little under four hours and although Izuku was exhausted he quite enjoyed this time they spent with each other. On this particular day they had been training to build on Izuku's reaction time to potential villain attacks. He'd need to be quick to make up for the disadvantage of losing his sight. The support item that Mei had provided for him had really come in handy; using it he could see or feel rather where Katsuki would attack when they fought against each other. And although he was still getting knocked backwards it was still a big improvement.

So many people were helping him and he wanted to give something back.

"Just don't think too much, alright?" Katsuki suggested as Izuku turned back round to face him once again. "You're overthinking and still trying to analyse just like you were when we were kids. Seeing as what happened then, it didn't do well to help you. You need to turn that knowledge into instinct."

"Yeah, I know," Izuku panted, rubbing at the aching muscle in his shoulder. "I know. I'm trying. Let's go again."

They took stance and prepared to fight once more. Izuku heard the crackling sound of Katsuki's quirk activating as he too ignited his emerald electric power. He was determined that this time he would be able to land at least one hit against Katsuki.

The blonde prepared for what felt like the hundredth time but didn't care all that much; this training aided him too. He decided to move forward, aiming a right hook at Izuku who just about managed to block and counterattack. He remembered a routine of movement Katsuki had used against him when they were battling back in high school and applied it to right here. He grabbed Katsuki's arm and swung round behind him, pushing the other forwards.

Bakugo wasn't fazed too much by it, he fell back onto his feet aiming to fire his explosive quirk at the greenette but he had already activated One for All again and defended quicker than Katsuki could successfully attack. He pushed Bakugo's arm back and with enough force to only do little damage really, connected a hit to his side. Katsuki stumbled a little, narrowing his eyes as Izuku used his quirk to shoot himself forwards at Katsuki again before he could attack. This time, however, the other was prepared and used his explosions to lift himself into the air, dodging Izuku. Midoriya turned round, ready to launch himself into the air and follow, but Katsuki's reflexes were faster, knocking the other backwards and pinning him to the ground to prevent him attacking anymore.

"I win again," Katsuki proudly announced, which Izuku replied with a pout.

"But I was so close, that's the longest I've lasted!" he whined like a child at the level of unfairness of their fight. He wriggled out of Katsuki's grip and sat up opposite him, making wild gestures to accompany his story.

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