I'll be with you from dusk till dawn

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A/N: only six chapters left! if you like this story feel free to vote and thanks for reading this far!

Katsuki stretched his limbs sleepily, like a dozing animal, his arms getting tangled in the duvet. He nuzzled his face into the pillow, basking in the warmth of the sun, his eyes opening when he felt a cold empty space beside him.


A frown formed on his lips as he saw Izuku was no longer there. In the glowing haze of fatigue the question of 'where is he?' called out in Katsuki's mind. He heard no shuffling of feet, nor the metallic clang of pots and pans. Driven only by curiosity, Katsuki hoisted himself to his feet and trudged about the apartment in search of the missing greenette. It wasn't awfully early in the morning nor was it particularly late so there was the possibility that Izuku had merely awoken before him. That possibility grew ever more slim when he saw the place to be empty.

"Oi Deku," he called, only to receive no reply which got him a little worried. It was Katsuki's main duty to help protect Izuku, so he had every right to be feeling concerned.

His unease only seemed to bloom as he wondered if the villain might have snatched him in the night while Katsuki slept and didn't notice. The thought made him sick to his stomach with dread but he forced himself not to jump to conclusions. But if...if the villain really had come to take Izuku away, well Katsuki would never forgive himself for not preventing it. Though that being said, Katsuki was a relatively light sleeper. He had to be if he wanted to stay alive, so surely he would have heard someone come in if they did? Either way, Katsuki still worried, as reluctant as he was to admit. There were just so many 'what if's or perhaps he wasn't thinking rationally and Izuku merely -


Relief flooded through him like tidal waves as he turned and saw Izuku stood behind him, his expression indicating confusion. He must have heard Katsuki pacing about the apartment.

"Are you okay? You seem distressed."

Katsuki nodded before realising Izuku couldn't see his gesture. "I'm fine. I just woke up and you weren't there so I thought maybe the villain had got to you..." he replied, truthfully.

A smile broke onto Izuku's face. "You were worried about me?"

"Yes idiot," Katsuki grumbled at the stupid question. "You nearly gave me a heart attack," he accused.

"Sorry I was just in the bathroom. But it's sweet to know you'd care if I really was taken away," Izuku teased with a grin.

Katsuki frowned, a little embarrassed. His only defence was covering Izuku's smug face with his hand, who simply giggled at the action.

"Well anyway since you're up," Katsuki continued, wanting to change the subject. "Go get changed."

"What for? Are we going somewhere?"

"Yeah. I'm bored stuck in this place all day. We've only ever left for food shopping and I might go mad if I stay here."

Izuku chewed his lip, feeling a little guilty - believing he was the cause for this - though Katsuki hadn't meant to make him feel that way.

"I'm just saying we both need fresh air and a break," Katsuki clarified.

"Hm...what did you have in mind?"

"You'll find out when we get there."

Izuku frowned at the vague answer. He was slightly anxious now, wondering what was going on in Katsuki's mind. In truth, Katsuki had made plans for their 'day out' a couple days ago. He wasn't lying when he said he wanted to get out the house but he also wanted to see a little note of Japan after being away for so long.

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