You'll Never Be Alone

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Katsuki watched as Izuku paced the kitchen back and forth, his brow creasing in concentration. He had his phone in one hand, pressed up against his ear, his other buried in his hair. He had been on the call for at least half an hour, not that Katsuki was complaining about the interruption, but he was starting to wonder what was going on. He knew it was the hospital calling, Izuku had mouthed it to him as he went into the kitchen to take the call while Katsuki remained in the living room. They had been spending some quality time after a very delicious breakfast made together before Izuku's phone began to ring. Katsuki wasn't annoyed by it - really he wasn't...well maybe slightly, but only because he was enjoying himself and that had been promptly cut short.

Growing evermore aggravated, Katsuki pushed himself to his feet and padded into the kitchen. Izuku heard him come in and offered a smile in his direction, letting him know everything was okay. That gave Katsuki a moment of relief; all the worst possible scenarios running wild in his mind. Or maybe Izuku was only putting on a brave face...He shook his head to rid himself of such thoughts. There was no need getting worried over a situation that didn't require it.

Katsuki focused his attention on the cupboard drawers he began rummaging through, feeling peckish and wanting a snack. He took out a packet of crisps and very slowly and carefully attempted to open them with minimal noise made. Izuku looked back in his direction, hearing Katsuki's rustling no doubt and rather than telling him to be quiet like the blonde expected, instead smiled innocently in a way that told him he wanted some. Katsuki held up the packet to Izuku's hand so he would know where it was and let him take some before hopping onto the kitchen counter to eat the rest.

"Yes...yes okay...I understand," Izuku spoke in broken sentences, rarely saying much at all but the distorted voice on the other end seemed to be doing most of the talking.

It was killing Katsuki to know what the hospital was telling him. He wanted to stand by him and hear the full conversation rather than be in the dark. But then again, it wasn't exactly his business to know either. Izuku didn't have to tell him what was going on if he didn't want to, though Katsuki wished he would so he could help in any way possible. All he could do as he watched the sun shining through the window and splashing over Izuku's freckled face, was sit and avoid thinking up the worst of the situation.

"Oh...oh that's great," Izuku smiled as he talked and Katsuki gauged he was being told some good news. "Mhm...thank you it would mean a want me to note this down? Erm..." He glanced at Katsuki who understood immediately and grabbed a pen and notepad lying beside him, taking Izuku's hand and guiding him back to where he had been sat. Izuku began to repeat the words the woman on the phone was telling him so that Katsuki could write it down, going slow enough for him to keep up.

"What was that all about?" Katsuki asked Izuku when he finally came off the phone and hung up.

"Hm? Oh right I'm sorry that took so long--"

"Don't be," he interrupted. "It's fine but is everything okay?"

Izuku smiled again. "Yeah everything is fine. Actually it's more than fine. The doctors were just telling me that I don't need to attend the regular check ups anymore. Everything seems as stable as it should be. I should be able to return back to work, I just have to talk to my boss and see what can happen. They said I should be able to with the help of the support item. It'll still be quite dangerous but not impossible."

Katsuki was so happy for him. More than happy, more than his feelings could be expressed into words. After everything he had been through it was amazing to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Izuku deserved this, he really did. He deserved everything good to come and Katsuki wanted that for him, more than anything. The fight had been tough but in the end there was a chance that Izuku could have back the life he thought he'd waved goodbye. And a chance was all they needed.

𝕯𝖚𝖘𝕶 𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕯𝖆𝖜𝖓 [𝖇𝖆𝕶𝖚𝖉𝖊𝕶𝖚]Where stories live. Discover now