I Would Have Died For You

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Something was off.

Maybe it was the peculiar storms outside or the lack of villainy wreaking havoc on the city, Izuku wasn't quite certain but it surely cast a shroud of unease upon him. He felt it like the ghosting hand of an imposter, lurking in the shadows just waiting to make it's move. It left him feeling sort of jittery and tense and with an absence of control over anything.

It had been a good hour at least in which Katsuki still remained locked in their room on the phone to an anonymous caller. That in itself wasn't the exact cause for Izuku's agitation nor was he concerned as to why it was taking his friend that amount of time. But as the clock ticked on and on he grew curious. That curiosity had lead to him wanting to check up on the blonde and after knocking softly the reply he received helped stable his troubled emotions. Though only a temporary fix to the problem because minutes later came the reverberation of a bang. Izuku had to stop himself from bolting at full speed to the door with a mind fogged with the worse possible scenarios. Ever since knowing that the villain whom had rendered him blind had been sighted in Musutafu he was plunged into fear. The very possibility that they knew the location of their home haunted the green haired hero and every minuscule action that was out of the ordinary scared him. There were so many ways in which the villain could do damage and harm the two of them before they could even blink because they weren't as prepared as they should be.

But then again maybe there was a chance that the sightings weren't what people perceived them to be and he and Katsuki were safe and sound. That's what he believed when he barged into the bedroom only to hear the reassuring voice of his friend telling him everything was okay. And that was enough. Enough to promise there was nothing to worry about. Enough to know nothing would happen to them.

Except as the day continued to sluggishly chug along that content comfort of safety diminished. Because something deep within Izuku was telling him that something...something was off. Yet the more he rolled it around in his mind, the more distorted that instinct became until he came to wonder if he was making it all up. If he was the cause for his own agitation and discomfort. Normally he would turn to consult Katsuki to help ease his muddled mind but a buried inclination argued against that.

"Hey Midoriya can you come here?" Katsuki's voice yelled from across the kitchen.

Izuku nearly obliged to the commandment absentmindedly before his brain seemed to register what Bakugo had called him and he froze in place.

Midoriya...is that what he said?

Now there was a chance that he had simply forgotten the name he usually called Izuku...though that chance was very slim. Or maybe he didn't want to use that old nickname for him anymore. But yet again the chances of that happening were slimmer than the first. It only dawned on him right there and then that the villain coming for him had a voice altering quirk. And due to the green haired hero's lack of vision, Izuku wouldn't be able to tell who was really talking to him if they approached. Just like the first time they had shown face and Izuku believed he was fighting All for One but due to the mass amounts of smoke he wouldn't know otherwise. So was it possible that the same circumstances were occurring now? And if so then where was the real Kacchan? The idea of him hurt somewhere Izuku couldn't reach made his stomach queasy with sick dread.

However there was always the probability that Izuku was overthinking the entire ordeal.


He wasn't, he knew he wasn't. At least he thought he wasn't.

Katsuki had never once in the whole twenty-odd years they've known each other called him that. Though the acceptance of this newfound information was harder than coming to the conclusion. He didn't want to believe the villain had managed to find out where he lived and through that finding Katsuki and taken him to who knows where. He should have been more prepared for this. For the worse case scenario because it was actually happening.

𝕯𝖚𝖘𝕶 𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕯𝖆𝖜𝖓 [𝖇𝖆𝕶𝖚𝖉𝖊𝕶𝖚]Where stories live. Discover now