I'll hold you when things go wrong

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"Hey I'm getting better at this," Izuku beamed as he and Katsuki completed cooking their lunch together.

Sure enough Izuku was a fast learner which was why he seemed to succeed in things in life such as the control of his quirk and the speedy recovery he had and still was making. He'd still had the odd hospital appointments here and there – merely for check-ups and ensure how his health was (though lately he'd actually picked up the courage to talk about the difficulties he had been previously facing) – and Katsuki had continued to agree to drive him wherever he needed to go. As much as Izuku protested, reasoning that this would definitely be a bother to the blonde, Katsuki simply told him the same thing again, that this was okay. Or he'd just ignore the protest in the hope that Izuku would get the message. And eventually he did. Katsuki didn't want him feeling guilty for what he was doing for him, Bakugo had been the one to agree to it all in the first place. Sure, he had seemed hesitant and unwilling in the beginning but that was more due to the fear eating away at him of getting too attached as a result or that he would only do more damage to Izuku than aid.

Fortunately, their drives had often resulted in enjoyable, spontaneous adventures. Lately they had been confined to the proximities of their apartment and so the break away from there was always appreciated. The two would usually drive aimlessly without any purpose or destination in mind but simply for the entertainment of being far far away from everything and everyone else.

The late-night ones were Izuku's favourite because he enjoyed the cool night breeze that rustled his hair through the open windows and the strange sense of freedom that came with that. They'd order food from whatever restaurant they made it to and talk for hours on end about stupid things as the glimmering golden lights trailed behind them in the dark night.

"Where are we?" Izuku had asked quietly when Katsuki had pulled over.

"I don't know. I just wanted to stop here for a little bit," Katsuki explained as he brought out his take away dinner with him.

Izuku pushed open the car door and stumbled out after him, it wasn't the first time they had stopped in the middle of nowhere just to appreciate the place. He settled himself down on the grassy surface he felt beneath him, gazing up at a blank sky. It wasn't long before he sensed Katsuki lie down beside him, the rustling of a paper bag heard.

"Dinner was nicer today than yesterday," Izuku spoke out randomly but then again most of their conversations at this time seemed to be.

"Yeah, but they didn't make mine spicy enough," Katsuki frowned in distaste at the lack of fiery flavour.

"I swear your taste buds are numb or something. How does it not affect you?"

"I'm just better than you at handling it."

Izuku shuffled into a more comfortable position. "Well, I'd rather not get my tongue burnt off."

"It's for flavour. It makes things taste better."

"Hm. Agree to disagree?"

Katsuki stifled a yawn. "Sure."

"What do you see?" Izuku asked him, spreading his arms wide as he relaxed on the ground, his stomach full and his body growing lethargic. Katsuki finished the rest of his meal before rolling over to his side to glance at the boy beside him.

"Describe it to me."

Katsuki let his gaze fall back onto the sky above him. "It's...dark."

"No shit," Izuku chuckled lightly which earned a pout from Katsuki. His description wasn't all that informative and he wasn't exactly best with wording so what else was he supposed to say.

𝕯𝖚𝖘𝕶 𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕯𝖆𝖜𝖓 [𝖇𝖆𝕶𝖚𝖉𝖊𝕶𝖚]Where stories live. Discover now