Everything changed when I found you

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It wasn't exactly ideal to wake up to the cacophonic racket of knuckles against a wooden door on a Monday morning but it happened, nonetheless.

Izuku and Katsuki jolted simultaneously at the din, expressions an awful mess of embarrassment and panic at how they'd woken up together. The pair scurried away from each other like repelling magnets, equally red in the face as they tried to grasp onto the last fragile ounce of dignity they could muster. Izuku, despite his lack of vision, tried to look anywhere that Katsuki wasn't as he bit his lip in humiliation. He was positively freaking out right now, arms shielding his face while he paced the room back and forth, mumbling rapidly under his breath. Why the hell was his heart beating out of his chest? He wasn't quite sure he wanted to know the answer, either.

"Helloooooo," a voice called out from the other side of the front door which was situated beside the living room. Izuku recognised the voice immediately, but he questioned as to why the person had come here.

"Is anyone home?" another voice called, and another Izuku recognised. How many of them were on the other side?

Katsuki seemed to recognise their voices too because he looked back at Izuku with panic struck eyes.

"Y-yes, just a second!" Izuku called from their side as he promptly set about tidying up the place. Katsuki's gaze followed him as he tried communicating to him without speaking, but that wouldn't exactly work all too well when he was blind.

Izuku flung the several blankets that were draped across the sofa and melting onto the carpet beneath into their room along with everything else that made the place look a little messy; whilst trying not to bump into anything or even Katsuki. He carelessly threw on some more decent looking clothes to replace his pyjamas, ushering Katsuki into his room to do the same.

"Deku wait, Deku hold up!" Katsuki hissed under his breath. "How the hell did they get here?" he asked when Izuku paused to hear what he wanted to say. Izuku only wordlessly shrugged, shaking his head to indicate that he hadn't even the slightest idea. He knew that his friends had access to the address of his home, he had told them in case of emergencies. He was profusely relieved, however when he remembered he didn't give them a key or else this morning could have begun very differently.

"Just go put something on," Izuku mouthed before closing the door in Katsuki's face, regrettably and accidentally, before returning back to the door to unlock it for his friends.
"Uraraka, Kirishima," he beamed, recognising their voices.

"Tsu and Hagakure are here too," Ochaco informed for him, greeting her best friend with a warm hug. He smiled in response, waving a hand in what he hoped to be the right direction, appreciating the gesture of greeting.

"What are you guys doing here?" he asked, stepping aside to allow them to come in. "Did something happen? Was there another attack? Did you find the villain? Is someone hurt--?"

"Woah, woah, Midoriya slow down," Kirishima said gently. "That's not the reason that we came, although we probably should have given you a heads up beforehand," he admitted guiltily with an apologetic smile.

"Then why...?"

"We wanted to see how you were doing," Hagakure told. "We managed to all get a day off at the same time and wanted to check in."

Tsuyu nodded, tapping Izuku's hand gently to indicate for him where she was. "We haven't seen you this whole month, we wanted to see how your recovery was going."

"Oh, that's...that's really sweet of you guys," Izuku confessed happily.

"You idiots should have said something before you came here," Katsuki suddenly spoke up, the proximity of his voice caused Izuku to jolt having not heard the blonde come back into the room. "You fucking woke us up," he frowned. Izuku's face became hot again at the memory of mere minutes ago.

𝕯𝖚𝖘𝕶 𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝕯𝖆𝖜𝖓 [𝖇𝖆𝕶𝖚𝖉𝖊𝕶𝖚]Where stories live. Discover now