Chapter Three.

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"Kal! Are you alright? Your mate, he killed everyone and got me out of the cage. What happened? You are covered in blood!"

Kal flinched as Kaida threw here arms around him and squeezed. His mate had given Kal his cloak as to cover his body, but it could not hide all the garnet droplets staining his face.

"I am fine. Are you hurt at all, Kaida?" Kal pressed his cheek into Kaida's hair, unwilling to move the cloak aside and show the extent of the blood.

"No. Kal, did you kill that man? The one who..."

"Yes, Kaida. Now, leave it alone, please." Kal sighed lightly and pulled away to really look at his sister. She was wrapped in only a thin blanket and had a large tunic draped over most of her upper body."We should get clothes and keep moving south."

"My clan and I were moving south also. That is if you wanted to travel with us." Kal's mate stated from off to the side, his stance was straight and stiff.

"Your clan?" Kal questioned and masked his surprise.

"Yes, there are four of us total. We have been traveling together for a fair amount of time now. It would be no trouble for you and Kaida to come with us."

Kal stared at his mate for a moment prior to swallowing. It would be dangerous to accept such an offer.

Yes, there were still dragons who would help each other, but those type of people were few and finding a clan that was true was non existent. The higher chance went to the clan working together to sell other dragons; till slowly they all turned on each other and sold the others off too. Mate be damned.

Kal's mate seemed to notice his inner turmoil and sighed a little after looking between Kaida and Kal.

"I realize not many dragons trust each other anymore. That is fine." The man smiled softly and tucked one hand behind his back, bowing deeply. "Let me introduce myself properly. My name is Nazavert. Me and my clan, comprised of three other dragons, would like to invite Kalzerath and Kaida to journey with us to Dresath. You can decline this offer if you want, but I would very much like to see you two join us."

Kal continued to watch the man, Nazavert, with speculation. The way he had stated his words felt almost too formal, as if this was a courting request or a proposal from a prince.

Kaida's timid prodding at the back of his mind gave Kal enough insight onto what his sister thought of the situation.

She wanted to stay with Nazavert and meet his clan, as was evident by the rolls of questioning and excited emotions that she sent through the familial link they housed.

The risk was great enough, Kal felt uneasy at the thought of traveling with strangers. Nazavert was his mate, yes, but there would always be the nagging suspicion that no one was to be trusted.

How did Kal know that this man and his clan were just as willing to sell him and Kaida as Virgil was? Nazavert could have killed the others as a ploy to convince Kal to join him, or because of competition within the community.

"The dragons still alive today are mostly comprised of traitors and those who would be happy to see the death of their own kind or worse. You have no reason to trust me and my clan, yet to be fair we have no reason to trust you either. It would be a risk for all of us if you were to accept the offer. Still, I would rather have not missed out on the chance to know my mate." Nazavert rose from his bow with a hesitant look towards Kal.

Again, Kaida was in the back of his mind reaching out with grasping waves.

Kal did not blame her for wanting to meet others of their kind. Thosevthey had bumped into had either been untrustworthy or wanted nothing to do with the siblings for fear that they were the ones not to be trusted. Even he could not deny that seeing other dragons was different in some way than humans.

Teeth and Talon (BoyxBoy)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora