Chapter Nine.

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Both the bath and food that night was heavenly. Though, once again, Kal was stuck sleeping on a too soft bed. The only reason he stayed on it was because Kaida was attached to him like a leech.

They had talked and finally Kal reluctantly told her that he was perhaps willing to trust this clan.

There was no possibility of an ambush in an elven castle unless it was on the whole clan. Even then, they would not go through such lengths for only six dragons, especially since they would be outnumbered.

Nazavert had been nice enough and even made sure Kal got enough food at dinner when all the fish was gone, which was his favorite. The man gave him the rest of his own fish and just played it out as if it was common thought to do so.

After his bath, Kal finally decided to wear what Nazavert bought for him, causing his mate to compliment the tunic on him. Kal of course blushed and ignored the teasing at the back of his mind from Kaida.

In the morning, Nazavert met Kal and Kaida at their rooms door to escort them back to the hall. Maybe it was his princely nature showing, but Kal believed this was as courteous as one could get.

There was little chance Kal would... further their mateship any time soon, but it was still nice to know he was cared for in some way. Even the clan welcoming him and giving him quiet good mornings made his heart swell.

Jerred was the only one left to show in the hall, but came soon after while the clan and King Regerald made small talk about the inner goings of the settlement beyond the mountains.

"The terrace should be enough room for you all to shift. It has been used before and has not broken yet." The king said humorously while walking them outside onto a large flat form. "Give goodbyes and then off you go I suppose. Nazavert, it truly was delightful..."

Kal ignored the rest of the kings words, turning instead to Kaida and wrapping his arms around her with fervor.

"I will miss you so, dear heart." He whispered into her auburn locks.

"Me too, Kallie. I promise to send lots of letters to the settlement, and you better do them back. I want to hear all about the other dragons and what it's like. Nazavert, too. You have to tell me how it goes with him." Kaida smiled into his hair in return, her voice tinged with sadness.

"I will." Kal chuckled, "Do not get too used to castle life, hm? You will be coming to the settlement at some point. Probably no down mattresses there."

Kaida only laughed and held on tightly, both siblings just standing and breathing in each other's scent as much as they could.

"Ready?" Nazavert called to both Kal and Grennan, nodding when they both walked forward. Kal had to almost detach himself from his sister beforehand. "Grennan should go first since he will likely be smallest. We will have to see how large the terrace will be when all three of us are shifted."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Grennan was immediately stripping and jumping off the edge.

Kal was hardly surprised; he knew that all of them had likely had the same experience of rarely getting to shift.

But then, Grennan had shifted so easily. His wings were strong and glittering emerald as they lifted him back onto the terrace. It seemed so easy when he had taken only a few seconds to turn into a giant green Dragon.

Kal stood in awe over just how beautiful even such a common Dragon was. He had forgotten just how magnificent his kind were.

Nazavert did not do what Kal expected him to do and shift. He only stood and gave a nod to Kal.

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