Chapter Six.

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Kaida and the new clan could obviously see that Kal had been crying, but luckily no one spoke a word of it.

He was clothed and put together and his body was clean for the first time in a while. That was a good thing; regardless of Kal's red face and nose.

Ignoring the worried looks from Kaida and the rest of the clan, Kal grabbed the horses reins and walked until he heard the others join him. He would not delay the journey just so that they could uselessly worry.

Despite him crying and feeling horrible after the events that took place in those tents, this was something that Kal was used to. It was not as long or... in depth, as the past occurrence, but Kal had felt this disgusting feeling before.

When Kal and Kaida first left Vragad, they had to first make it through the burning towns of their home country, but after that they reached the
Stretmar Desert.

Stretmar was a vast wasteland with nothing but dry bushes and rocky, sandy hills. Kal was lucky enough to find water in deep valleys since they were still north enough. The problem with Stretmar was not it's lack of water surprisingly, but instead the dragons who wandered within it.

With it being so close to the Vragad border, the dragons that teamed up with hunters and killers flew in circles around the desert looking for some poor souls to betray for a bit of coin. Kal and Kaida had no clue that they were there.

Kal saw the first dragon and thought that they were there to help perhaps. Maybe they smelled the two and knew that they were younger and searching for some guidance. That was not the case.

By the time they had made it out of the desert, Kal had fought six different dragons who wanted to take him and Kaida for the same reasons Virgil did. He barely made it out and left that desert with scars all over his body.

The scars were healed now and Kal was used to them, but the years in that desert had taught him to be wary of other dragons.

That is why when they got to the Ptogla Forest, a thick jungle that one would get lost in easily if not for the small trails winding between trees, Kal made the decision to trust humans instead. That was a mistake also.

Barely a year into the journey, they began traveling with a group of merchants with their leader being a man called Petran.

Petran and his caravan took the younger dragons along with them through the forest. Kal was already fed up with the wet boots and constant bug bites that it was easy to agree to joining them.

For a few weeks it was great; Kal and the now nine year old did not have to worry about the mud on the trails or the bugs biting them too often. The caravan had figured out a way to keep the bugs away and of course their wagons were great for keeping them out of the rain.

It was not until they were almost out of the forest that Petran told Kal that he expected 'payment' for helping them.

Kal was only sixteen summers. He had never even heard of sex or intimacy or anything of the such. Petran took advantage of that.

For a fortnight, every night was filled with Kal being molested by an older man as payment for him and Kaida being taken through the forest. Some of it hurt and, ashamedly, some of it felt good.

At least with Virgil, he knew what was happening and was sure in his mind about what he did and did not want. It still was horrible, but pain was something he was used to.

Petran let him go by the end of the journey, giving him a hug and a wet kiss as if he was sending away a lover. Kaida has never mentioned remembering any of that, thank the gods.

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