Chapter Fifteen.

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Kal woke, instead of in a clearing full of fire and naked, in his bed and covered in blankets and furs.

He was still naked underneath the warmth, but as he moved slightly he could feel that his back and shoulder were wrapped in linens.

The headache from before he fell unconscious was still there, but lighter now and the pain only barely compared to that of the wounds on his back.

Kal hissed as he sat up in the bed, noting that it was the one in his and Nazaverts room.

The house was quiet besides the bed creaking slightly under Kal, who wrapped a blanket around himself prior to slowly standing and barely stumbling on his feet.

He only got as far as a couple steps before the door to the room opened and Nazavert made his way into the room.

"You should not be out of bed yet. Come, lie back down." Nazavert rushed and barely made eye contact with Kal before gently guiding the smaller man back into the bed.

"I wanted water." Kal mumbled, though the words came out broken from the damage he had ensued on his voice while he screamed.

"I will get you some, just be still. I could warm some broth, too; if you wanted, that is." Nazavert sighed gently and kept his gaze down as he replaced the mountain of blankets over Kal.

Kal huffed and let out a small 'No, thank you.' before Nazavert nodded and was off into the main area once again, leaving the door open so that Kal could watch him quickly fill a cup with water from a pitcher, both metal.

Even though Kal was aching for that water, he could not help to wonder how long he had slept if Nazavert had acquired a pitcher and cups.

"I... I am sorry that you still do not have clothes on. When I found you I had brought a blanket and did not want to see anything I was not supposed to." Nazavert said while sitting on an open spot of bed in order to help Kal drink.

Kal scoffed gently and removed one of his arms from beneath the blankets, taking the cup and maneuvering his body so that he was sitting up against the headboard.

He drank down the water in the cup easily and relished as it hit all the dry parts of his damaged throat.

"Thank you." Kal stated simply as he lowered the cup to his lap. "How long was I unconscious for?"

"Nearly two days."

"Oh. Well, I suppose the rest was good for me." Kal grimaced. "Where is Bel?"

"Bel has been staying with Grennan. He said he was lonely without part of the clan nearby and Bel seemed to take to him well enough." Nazavert smiled softly, his face pinched up in worry.

"You did good, Kalzerath."

Kal huffed silently and looked down at the bed, nodding gently before turning to set the cup down on the small table next to the bed.

"I killed two Dragons. There was no good in that." Kal frowned.

"You saved Bel and you fought someone much older than you to do so. Razania made her choice when you began fighting." Nazavert said as he took one of Kal's hands in his.

Kal only hummed and stared at his dirty and bloody hand compared to Nazaverts clean one.

"She... Razania could have fought back near the end, but she did not. She said that if I did not kill her that she would return to kill me instead and that I would need to kill Cardan so he did not have to live with the pain of her death." Kal murmured softly, his throat still sore and raw.

"You gave her and Cardan mercy; that is something that is admirable seeing how neither of them deserved it." Nazavert quietly said back, making Kal glance up at his mate with sad look.

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