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Emerald St. Clair's POV

"Can I ask you a question?" I queried casually as I lay in his arms naked and sated from our session in bed late this afternoon. It's been four days since we're back together.


I lifted my head from his shoulder and stared at his mesmerizing cobalt eyes. "What happened to the princess after I left?"

His lips formed a grim line as if he doesn't want to remember that fateful night. "As much as I want to throw her out of the palace that very same night I held myself in check and thought that making a harsh decision I might regret in the future. She's a princess of our neighboring country, after all."

I sighed deeply, placing my head in his shoulder again hugging him. "I see."

I felt his lips kissed the top of my head. "You don't need to worry about her, habibti. I already made it clear that marriage between us will never be going to happen."

I remained silent for a moment. I don't know but I feel sorry for the princess. "She loves you, you know."

Khalil exhaled deeply. "I know but I cannot just choose whom to love. I have no control about it."

I feel the same way about him. I cannot force myself to love another even if I tried so hard in the past to replace him in my heart. Even if I thought I was hating him in the last eight years deep inside he's the only one who can make my heart beats faster just a sight of his handsome smile. "What about your vizier? I know he doesn't want me to be your wife--"

"He doesn't have to say on the matter anymore."

I looked at him sharply. "Why?"

Anger was visible on his face. "I removed him in his position that very same night. I also strip him of his title and put him in exile."

My eyes widened in disbelief at his words. "You did what?! You're kidding, right?"

He shook his head. "No. I did that. I am just tolerating him because he's my father's trusted vizier but I guess we're not on the same page when it comes to Saqr. He is reluctant to embrace modernization and wants to stay on the tradition on how our ancestors did things in the past."

"So who is your vizier now?" I propped my elbows on the mattress looking at him questioningly.

He smiled at me, pushing back some strands of my hair that's covering my face slightly. "Someone who shares my vision for Saqr. Traditions are good but sometimes we need to welcome modernization if it's for the better."

I stared at him. I still can't believe that I am marrying this man after all that happened to us. "I have another question."

He laughed softly. "What is it?"

I bit my bottom lip. "Is it true that the emerald choker you slyly force me to wear that night at the ball is the symbol of the king's engagement?"


I made a face. "Does that mean that I am expected to wear it every time?"

"Technically, yes. Because you are going to be the queen of Saqr." He answered, stifling a laugh. Clearly, he enjoyed the grimace on my face. "Don't worry, if you want you can only wear it during formal events I will just buy you an engagement ring so you can wear it every day."

My face brightened at the thought. "Really? Oh, thank you! Thank you so much, Khalil." I couldn't contain my happiness as I leaned down to kiss him on the lips. "I'll settle for a simple engagement ring. I don't like ostentatious things."

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