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Khalil Al-Farsi's POV

I had a very busy morning reading document after document before signing them. I barely had time to breathe since I came to my office here in the palace's east wing and started working.

A knock sounded on the doorway. I looked up to see my late father's advisor entering my office with a stack of papers in his hands.

I looked at him flatly when he placed the documents in his hands on my table. "Seriously, Omar? Are you trying to kill me?"

"Your Majesty..." Omar Hadi looked at me with pleading eyes. "...this paperwork is important for our country. It would help us prosper even more."

"I'm getting tired of this," I muttered under my breath as I continued to read the document in my hand.

"You need to sign these treaties for our neighboring countries, Your Majesty," he pointed out the new documents on my table.

I threw a dark look at my father's trusted advisor, who was now serving me. "What's with the 'Your Majesty' thing, Omar? Can you just drop it?"

"But, sire..." the traditional older man sighed deeply, staring at my eyes for a moment before looking away. "I cannot disrespect you. I must address you formally, Your Majesty."

I exhaled loudly, looking at him with a resigned look without bothering to argue with him when I knew that it would only end the same way as before when I brought up the topic of how I wanted him to address me less formally. I am not yet crowned king, but they already address me like one, which bothers me more than it should.

"After signing these documents, the officials request an audience with you, sire," Omar started narrating my schedule for the rest of the day. "Then, you'll meet with the councils for your upcoming coronation. After that, we need to prepare for the opening of the new hospital in the capital. You need to be there for the ribbon-cutting—"

I looked at him dryly. "Do I have time to breathe in my schedule for today?"

The advisor smiled understandingly in my direction. If he heard the sarcasm in my voice, he just let it pass. "Of course, sire."

I focused my attention on the papers in my hands. The sooner I finished reviewing these things, the better, so I could move on with my next scheduled appointment for the day.

I heard Omar discreetly clear his throat beside my table. I looked up at him questioningly. "Now we are at the subject of your coronation, sire. Maybe this is the perfect time to discuss this matter."

I frowned at him when I didn't understand what he was saying. "What do you mean?"

He placed a photograph of a beautiful woman on my table. "That's Princess Amina Kouri, Your Majesty. She's fit to be your chosen bride."


The advisor nodded with a slight smile on his face. I was surprised to see that this man knew how to smile. "Yes, sir. She comes from a good family, and your marriage to her will strengthen our connection to their country. I already arranged her arrival in the coming days before your coronation, sire."

I threw a dark glare in his direction. I could feel that my jaw clenched at his words. "What makes you think you can arrange my marriage without my consent and invite this woman here to the palace?"

"But, sire..." the older man protested. "We need this union so our people will be at ease knowing there will be an heir to the throne soon. After your father's sudden death, the public was less keen to take the unmarried heir as their king."

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