Chapter 19

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Tam's POV:

I nervously played with my bangs, running the cool, metallic tips through my fingers. Finally, Della answered the door.

"Oh, Hi, Tam! Biana will be out in just a moment." she sang in her musical voice. I nodded,

"Thank you, Mrs. V- Della, I mean." She showed me into the living room, and I sat on a plush couch dotted with diamonds. I looked up, hearing footsteps,

"Hey, Tam!" said Biana, gliding down the stairs. Her gown was a two-piece skirt and top, and shimmered and shifted back and forth from teal to silver. The effect was mesmerizing. I caught Fitz, glaring behind her.

"Hey, Biana." She took my arm and led me to a small french gazebo surrounded by white trees bursting with azure leaves. "It's beautiful." I breathed, taking it in.

Biana's POV:

I pulled Tam up the steps to the gazebo. Earlier, I had laid out a picnic complete with Custard Creams I had baked myself. I settled down and motioned for him to sit. We ate in silence for a while, trying to find things to say. Eventually, I put down my plate. Without thinking I said,

"How long have you liked me?" Tam blushed, cheeks fringing with an adorable shade of pink.

"Probably since I met you," he said softly. My eyes widened and I smiled shyly.

"Me too." He looked up surprised, and I wondered when we had moved so close together.

Tam's POV:

The setting sun glinted off the diamonds, scattered throughout her hair. She glowed like an angel. No, she was more beautiful than an angel.

Biana's POV:

I watched him for a moment, waiting to see what he would do. Well, he stared. I mentally sighed, if he didn't do it, I would. I reached out, cupping his face with my hands, and kissed him.

Tam's POV:

When her lips met mine, fireworks crackled through my veins. My hands waved through her hair, almost like they knew what to do. Biana's arms folded around my neck, somehow bringing us closer. I wrapped my arms around her waist, holding her to me. 

She leaned over too far, and we fell, still entwined, to the gazebo floor. Neither of us moved and she lay on me, our lips still locked tight. She toyed with my bangs, and I gently massaged the exposed skin around her waist.

A Poor Gnome Named Ari's POV:

I was gathering branches near the gazebo when I heard a thump. Scurrying over, I peered inside. Immediately, I recoiled not sure if I was going to laugh, squeal, or vomit. Young Mr. Vacker had told me to report to him if anyone spotted anything like this. 

Feeling sympathetic for them, I hurried to find him.

A/N Fitzy x Tam showdown next chapter! Well, most likely.

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