Chapter 29

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A/N Hi! This is not Evelyn, but actually Xx-MysteryQueen-xX! Evelyn wanted me to post this (she's busy with stuff), so enjoy! I didn't write it, but it was a saved draft.

Keefe's POV:

I could hear the softest 'pitf-paft' of large feet. Sandor. I ignored it, though. I only get so much time with Sophie. Okay, I get a lot, but you get my point, right? Anyways. I broke away for one second, for a quick breath. I used the time to look up. 

He was peering through the crack. 

Sophie noticed my expression (I was giving him the stink-eye).

"What's wrong?" She moved her hands out from under my jacket. "I know you would never give that glare to Grady... is it Sandor?" Foster groaned.

Sophie's POV:

It was Sandor. I sat up, not too fast to avoid a bad head rush, and started to hand-comb my hair. I gave up within five seconds, so the next option was to get my hairbrush through telekinesis.

 Keefe looked at me with an exasperated expression. We were both thinking the same thing, telepathy not needed. We shouldn't have annoyed Sandor.

Sandor's POV:

They noticed me before I could scare them. I probably shouldn't have, though. I know what my charge is capable of.

"You got me," I walked in, holding my arms up in the universal 'I surrender' pose. "You got me." I repeated it with a chuckle this time. Will she let me off? Please please please please please please please please. Please. PLEASE. She can get ruthless.

"Sandoooorrrrrr! Sorryyyy!" She put her hands up in the surrender fashion as well. "I'm sorr-y that we walked in on you and Grizel kissing! Bad timing!"

"It is fine, Sophie." It's hard, having your charge be a teenager. Emotions you can smell. Attitudes that rub against your skin. Ro probably has it worse, with all of those... SMELLS. I saw Keefe wrap his arms around Sophie's waist and put his chin on her shoulder, whispering something into her ear.

Sophie's POV:

"I do need to go, Muffin. It's twilight out." I shuddered from the contact - his touch, the way he talked, I just... do you ever get those feelings where you shake and get goosebumps all of the way down that one side, and that feeling just resides there, and it's a feeling that is a strong and prominent one?

 Yeah, that's what happened.

"But why-y-y? You can stay in a guest room. We have a small cottage out somewhere." I put my hands over his.

"My house is like the cottage out somewhere. It's just one leap away. Or some teleporting if you want to be dramatic." He hugged me in the slightest tighter, triggering more goosebumps down my leg. 

He kissed me one more time, then on the cheek, and stood up. "Alright. Let's get me home. I won't sleep at all tonight, thanks to the who-knows-how-long nap we took. Doom Daddy can exhaust a child when you're being lectured for hours." 

He gave me one of his trademark smirks to Soph and pulled out my home crystal. "Bye."

"Bye." Keefe glittered away. "What now?" I turned to Sandor. ​​​​​​​

"Well, for me, I get to send footage to Grady. He set up a camera in your room. Good luck finding it." Sandor pulled out his Imparter and downloaded the footage wirelessly.

"WHAT?!" I chased after him.

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