Chapter 21

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A/N I updated Love In London!

Keefe's POV:

I sat at my desk and scribbled out another drawing.

"No, that's not right." I muttered into the paper.

"Keefe?" came a voice from the doorway. I turned, and immediately blushed, crossing my arms over my bare chest.

"H-hey, Soph." I stammered, she flushed, and looked at her feet.

"I was, uh, wondering if you wanted to go swimming?" I grinned,

"Sure, Foster. I'll get changed. There's a guest bathroom down the hall." I gestured toward a door. "Hang on a sec." I said, shoving the door against the wall. Sophie winced. Daddy of the Year yelped, and retreated down the hall. Ro grinned devilishly,

"Don't worry, you guys go have smoochy-smoochy time on the beach. I'll keep Daddio busy." While Foster headed down the hall, I grabbed a pair of navy blue swimming trunks, a couple super fluffy towels, sand toys(I had to), and a plate of Butterblasts.

Sophie's POV:

I quickly changed into a red one-piece and headed to the beach. I looked around. No Keefe. Huh, that's weir-

"AAGH!" I shrieked as Keefe grabbed me from behind. He smirked,

"Hey, Foster." and tried to kiss me. I turned my head, so it landed on my cheek.

"Nuh-uh no kisses for that." He pouted, I laughed, and gave in, kissing him on the nose. Before he could get me back, I ran toward the water and yelled

"LAST ONE IN IS A ROTTEN EGG!" Just before I dove in, a force held me back.

"HEY!" I laughed, watching Keefe struggle through the shifting ground, trying to hold me back and run. "Wait up!" I didn't slow down, trying to get out of his mental grasp. He reached me, finally, and hugged me.

Keefe's POV:

Multitasking is hard. Especially using a skill and running. Especially when the person keeps running away. I eventually got to Soph and hugged her.

"Wanna go back for some Butterblasts?" She nodded after a moment, and we walked back. We sat on my towel, enjoying the sweet treats, and after some sun soaking, dove back into the waves. We swam out far, floating and then going under, using our breath-holding skills. We hit the ocean floor and picked up shells and things, came up, and swam back. We looked at the assortment of coral and shells. I looked at my bag. Now's the time, I told myself. Show her the drawing.

Sophie's POV:

We swam out, and held an array of items from the seafloor in our arms. We found sea marbles, sea glass, and pretty conch shells. I made patterns out of them while Keefe was doing something else. I heard him clear his throat next to me.

"Sophie?" He looked nervous. He doesn't really use my first name.

"...Yeah?" I say after some hesitation. What? What was he going to do?

"I want to show you something..." he reached into his bag and pulled out a piece of paper. It was a drawing. He hid his face behind it. As I looked closer I could see it was two people in a hallway, seemingly like Foxfire. I gasped when I realized what it was. Keefe was positioned exactly how I remembered him that day, spread out on a bench without a care in the world. I could see myself hiding the burn, and recounting the story like it happened yesterday.

"Thank you, Keefe!" I said, reaching out to hug him, "It's stunning ." He sighed in relief,

"Thanks." Overcome with gratitude and love, I kissed him. I leaned, clearly showing him what I was about to do, and in a flash, he was up and pulling me close, crashing his lips against mine. Not even a piece of paper could fit between us. We sat there, wet and sweaty, but we ignored that. All that mattered was us.

Keefe's POV:

She kissed me, and I held her. It was nice. Amazing. Another word for mind-blowing. We were still wet from the race, but that didn't matter. She leaned against me, and I held her, unaware we had an audience.

Ro's POV:

Daddio was all up close with the toilet, so I decided to spy on the Lovers. Peering out the window, I saw Blondie lean toward Hunkyhair, lips all puckery. My little boy was up in half a second, arms around her. I grinned, and moved out onto the porch, watching them slobber all over each other. As I crept down to the beach, plate of Indigoobers in hand. 

I snickered to myself.

"WHAT'S UP, GUYS!?" I shouted delightedly. I staged a slip and smashed the delicacies all over the lovebirds. Just when Keefe started to kiss her hair and neck.

"HEY!" Hunkyhair cried indignantly, glaring at me. Blondie was too covered in blue slime for me to see her face. I shrugged.

"Good thing Sandor wasn't here," Blondie commented. "He'd have an... interesting... reaction."

She wipes off some slime.

"Let me get that for you." Hunkyhair reaches out, and wipes a thumb on her eyebrow, and licks off some of the sweet goo. "Yum!" I sighed,

"I ALMOST had snacks this time. Wait," I spotted the Butterblasts and snatched the tray. "Thanks!" I took off back inside, Hunkyhair shouting threats.

Sophie's POV:

I sighed, "Well." Fruitlessly, I tried to wipe the remaining slime from my hair. Keefe leaned toward it,

"No!" I said, "You are NOT licking my hair." He shrugged, then picked me up over his head, and dumped me in the waves. I hit them without any sign of grace, and a huge splash followed. "KEEFE!" I screeched. He laughed and jumped in after me.

"Sorry!" he didn't look sorry. I splashed a huge wave of water, right at his hair. "Foster! The hair!" He whined. I splashed him again. He splashed back, and soon it escalated into a full blown splash war. Soon I realized I was losing. In one last attempt at victory, I flung myself at Keefe, kissing him square on the mouth. He was surprised, I could tell, since he didn't catch me. We tumbled into the salty spray, still lip locked. When we came up for air, a huge hulking goblin stood over us, and he looked MAD.

"Hi..." I looked up, realizing who it was.

"Whoops?" Keefe chuckled nervously.

"You two are in big trouble!" Said a squeaky voice, it was Sandor.

A/N Despacito Quiero respirar tu cuello despacito Deja que te diga cosas al oido Para que te acuerdes si no estas conmigo!!!!!

ForeverOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora