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She had been in the same cramped position for half an hour now. She stared straight ahead, a look that was still fire-breathing. If I didn't know she was so mad at Austin, I'd get scared. I could do nothing but watch. It was strange, but somehow I saw myself in the Felicity of the moment. Someone who had lost everything dear to her. Someone who carried an awful lot of pain now wanted to flip a switch. Better numb than full of pain ... "Fell." I whispered, worried that my voice would be too loud after the long and icy silence that reigned. Her eyes shot to me for a split second before shooting back to the infinity point she had been studying for so long. "What?" Her voice cracked at the end, and a tear slid down her cheek. "What did he say?" I began to get angry quietly. The fury began its march to the surface.

Wasn't it enough that he hurt me? Was he going to start destroying my friends too? He was really unimaginable. Her gaze still pierced the distance, and I grabbed her shoulders, so she had to look. "Say it." I tried to sound as convincing and calm as possible. Something difficult when the anger bubbled up in you. Her eyes glanced at my face, probably to gauge my reaction. "He said..." she began hesitantly. I nodded in agreement and already held my heart. "That I was just an annoying child and that no one could have me here." My eyes widened, and my hands clenched into fists. POST!

I shot straight and walked out as fast as I could. In my haste, I walked wrong, which made me even more difficult. How dared he. He was going to be sorry, very sorry. I didn't walk; I stamped, furious. I didn't mumble; I growled. When I reached his house, the door opened before I could ram into it. I was lucky today because Austin answered the door. "Madison!" His eyes were amazed, and he held an ice pack to his cheek. He wouldn't need that in a minute. Then he could lie down in the freezer because then he would be completely blue. He stepped out and closed the door behind him. His eyes got a strange twinkle, which made something pop on me.

"How could you!" I pushed his chest hard so that he fell against the door. "What?" Before he could continue talking, I interrupted. "HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT POST. GODDAMN ASSHOLE. YOU. DON'T. SAY. THAT. TO. FELL! " I rammed into his chest with every word. It wasn't long before Austin took my hands, and I was caught in his grip. His head was so close. Too short at. I couldn't stand his touch; it did something to me. All the pain came back to the surface and cut through my skin with pointed blades.

"Let go of me!" I hissed. How dare he still hold me? How dare he look at me like that. How could he do that? I turned my head away as fiercely as possible so that he couldn't see my tears of anger and dismay. I stopped resisting and waited for him to intend to let me go finally. That was not yet immediately because his tight grip on my body remained. My eyes glared at his face, and all he did was stare. I was just about to yell in his face to let go of me and stop staring when he did something I wasn't expecting at all - His lips found mine, and I could feel the familiar feeling of warmth pouring through me. His velvety lips pushed sweet yet compelling on mine, and I felt a shiver run down my spine. The soft texture of his lips moved me, and it couldn't possibly be the reality.

Wow, wait. This was reality. I was quickly pulled back into reality when I realized this was real. His lips were still pressing down on mine, and I still hadn't pushed him away. The seconds dragged on, and I didn't seem to find the strength to push him away.

Along with the warm feeling, the pain cut through me. My body and my head were in a fight. My body wanted more; my head wanted to stop. Trying not to be fooled by the voice rising in my head telling me not to push him away, I placed my hands against his chest. In the meantime, after a short stopover, tears were running back down my cheeks. It flowed down quickly and in large sizes. I look into his eyes briefly but focus on one point on the door. Otherwise, I would get lost in his eyes again. "How could you do that?" I whispered painfully before pulling away and heading quickly to my bike. I heard his silent chase, and I went even faster. I pulled my bike and immediately jumped on it. A loud gasp escaped from my throat, and I started my escape attempt. I was back to square one. I was maybe even more profound than before. The wound seemed to be bigger; the pain seemed doubled. I felt nauseous and bad, but I forced my feet to kick and held on to the handlebars extra.

Hoping I would get to the studio before I collapsed.

I fall apart' ~ Post MaloneWhere stories live. Discover now