fifteen - the truth

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I sighed in a combination of irritation and self-pity, glaring at the blank screen of my phone. Niall hadn't responded to my text. And this wasn't the first time. For the past few days, he'd been ignoring my messages or responding with brief one-word texts that effectively shut down my attempts at conversation. In person, he was polite and friendly, but that was the extent of it. He'd hang out with me in the group setting, but whenever it was just the two of us, it was awkward. Which it had never been before; usually the problem with our friendship was that both of us had too much to say, not too little.

I didn't know what was up with him.

I could pinpoint the exact moment his behavior had changed, though. All of us had been going to see a movie a couple days ago. The guys had gotten there early and were talking as I approached. Talking very loudly, might I add, and they seemed to be lecturing Niall.

"... load of bullshit, Horan, and you know it," Louis was saying. "I cannot remember the last time I've seen you act like this. Boys, when was the last time Niall acted like this?"

"Like he had a soul? Can't remember," Harry said, scratching his head.

"Seriously. Either you're on some really powerful drugs or you've got it for-"

"Miracle!" Niall interrupted at this point, spotting me--much to my chagrin. I'd been really curious as to where the conversation had been going. 

Ever since then, Niall had been a little distant. Either he took whatever his friends said to heart, or this cold shoulder treatment was just a delayed response to me completely losing my shit and crying on the carpet in front of him. But no, that couldn't be it. Niall wasn't heartless. He wouldn't push me away because of that. That still left the question of why he would push me away, though.

I blamed the guys. When I got my hands on Louis and Harry...

My phone buzzed, and I all but dived across my bed to grab it, hitting my elbow against the frame as I did so. Then promptly slumped in disappointment as I realized it wasn't from Niall.

 From Liam: quick guys I need your help

From Liam: Zayn wants twenty reasons he should go to school tomorrow and not ditch. any suggestions?

From Louis: lol no, why the hell u trynna make him go to that hellhole?

Me: Um... so he doesn't fall behind on his classes?

I sighed, typed out SOMEONE MAKE NIALL TALK TO ME PLEASE and then deleted it. 

From Liam: i already have that. i need something original


From Liam: actually on his list of reasons to NOT go to school, he said because harry would be there

From Harry: so r00d

From Liam: i was kidding. now, anyone?

Me: Maybe just give Zayn a mental health day? He might just need some rest, Li.

From Liam: but... grades...

From Liam: argh, fine. why do i even hang out with you delinquents

From Louis: cause we're sexy

From Louis: (Attached File)

Me: Louis, why did you send a picture of a pig riding a unicorn?

From Louis: it was a figurative depiction of our awesomeness

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