two - literally, done

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"Oh yay. Niall. Can I get a last name too? I think the police will need both to track you down."

"Stop it. Follow my finger with your eyes."

I swatted his finger. "I don't have a concussion." I straightened and felt pain bloom in my head where I hit it as I did so. "Never mind, I have a concussion."

Niall's face scrunched up in annoyance. "This isn't a joke, okay."

"I'm not even laughing bye."

"Seriously. Do you know where the nearest hospital is?"

"Northeasterlywestish south."

Shaking his head, Niall fished out his cellphone. "Damn it, I don't have data."

"Damn it," I chorused, yawning. I was tired; screaming at random boys in the middle of an abandoned street on a schoolday wasn't a normal activity for me, and it was quite draining. Also, there was the fact that I hadn't gotten any sleep.

"Okay, can you stay here?" asked Niall. "I'm going to go get my car and drive you home. Just stay here."

Nothing about this idea struck me as odd or remotely irresponsible. Of course we could just leave. Screw Mr. Martin. I didn't care anymore.

It only took like two or ten or twenty minutes for Niall to pull up beside me in the shittiest contraption I had ever seen labeled as a car. I was surprised that the door didn't break clean off when I opened it and slid into the shotgun seat.

The inside was as huge of a disaster as the outside was. Niall shoved McDonald's wrappers and crumpled cans out of the way as I buckled myself in. "Sorry," he said, vaguely motioning to the entire interior of the car.

I gave an icy glare. "Just get me home."

"Aye, aye, Cap'n."



I groaned and massaged my temples. "Literally, done. With. You."

"Can I have your address?"

My eyes flew open. "No, what the heck? You can't have my address, you weird creep. God, you're so-"

"How else am I supposed to get you home?"

"Oh." I blinked. He had a point. I gave him my address. 

The drive home was excruciatingly silent. I had come to the conclusion that I couldn't have a concussion because... well, because I really didn't want a concussion. I hated going to the doctor's. And I hadn't even hit my head that hard... even though the back of my skull still throbbed.

"You hanging in there?" Niall asked.

I ignored him.

"I feel sort of bad."

I watched raindrops collect on the car window, silently praying that they would wash away the dust and grease stains, which weren't really pleasant to look at.

"I mean, it's not really my fault. You shouldn't have followed me."

One of the raindrops got flicked off of the window. The corners of my lips turned down.

"But still."

Giving me a sidelong glance and seeing that I was fully uninterested in his words, Niall huffed. "I don't know your name, y'know."

"Funny, since we go to the same school."

"You didn't know my name either," he protested.

I pursed my lips. "I wish I still didn't."

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