Preferences - His Favorite Thing About You

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I feel like Nikki would just love your eyes because his eyes are pretty beautiful themselves, but also, he just loves to get lost in them, whenever you two are at a party/social event, or when you two are having your alone time ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) ) he just loves to stare at them no matter what.


Oooohhh boy, our boy Tommy would love your curves. Whenever you two are cuddling or something, he loves to run his fingers along your perfect curves and make you giggle everytime.


See, I feel like Mick would love every inch of you because he's sweet like that, but I think the thing he would love the most about you would be your hair. Whether it's long or short, black or blonde, soft or dry, he would just love to run his fingers through it.


Oh my god, where do I even start. I feel like Vince would love your legs ( @_@ ). No matter if they are pale or tan, skinny or T H I C C (shoot me), short or long, he loves to grab hold of them when you two are making out or he just gets turned on when you are wearing a skirt or shorts cause he's like that I guess.  ┐( -"-)┌

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