⚠️ NSFW Alphabet - Vince Neil ⚠️

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Aftercare (what they are like after sex)

Vince would cuddle you after cleaning you up, but that's about it.

Body Part (their favorite part of you and themselves)

Vince's favorite part about himself would be his hair because why not, but his favorite part of you would, like I said, be your legs, I dont need to explain it again.

Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)

Vince would really cum anywhere, but I feel like he would wanna cum right in your pussycat (shoot me).

Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs)

Vince won't admit it, but he loves when you grab his ass while doing it.

Experience (how experienced are they)

Ooooohh boy, he is so experienced that you won't even have to tell him to fuck you he could just slam you up against the wall without warning.

Favorite Position (their favorite way(s) to f*ck you)

Vince likes to fuck you in the missionary position with your legs wrapped tightly around him and your wrists pinned to the bed.

Goofy (are they goofy or serious?)

Vince is, without a doubt, the most serious out of all of the members during sex. He just gets so caught up in the feeling of you clenched around him.

Hair (how well groomed are they/does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)

Vince is pretty average. He would not want to trim it, but he will tend to pluck out any unwanted flyaways if the occasion calls for it. His pubes are kind of the same color as the hair on the top of his head but only a little darker.

Intimacy (how romantic are they during sex)

Vince is serious, but occasionally he can be loving.

Jack Off (masturbation)

Vince only jacks off when he feels like it or when he needs you, which is ALL the time.

Kink (one or more of their kinks)

Tying you up, BDSM, and daddy and breeding kinks.

Location (their favorite place to do the do)

Anywhere. Just anywhere.

Motivation (what gets them going/turn ons)

Vince loves when you bite his earlobe when making out.

No (something they wouldn't do/turn offs)

Vince will NEVER share you because he is very protective of you.

Oral (preferences on giving/recieving)

Vince is the MASTER of eating you out, but he also loves when you suck his cock.

Pace (are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual?)

Vince is fast and rough, but he can also be slow and steady.

Quickie (their opinion on quickies)

Only when you two are running out of time for something or to go somewhere.

Risk (are they game to experiment? Will they take risks, etc.)

Ohhhh yeah. Vince Neil will try anything in the book, but not without your consent just because.

Stamina (how long they can last for/how many rounds)

Vince can last about 6-7 rounds.

Toys (do they own toys/how much do they own, etc.)

Yes; vibrators, handcuffs, whips, chains, blindfolds, silk ribbons.

Unfair (how much they like to tease)

Vince is the biggest fucking tease in the whole world. He loves to have you begging till you are basically in tears. Basically.

Volume (how loud are they, what sounds they make, etc.)

Vince will let out the occasional grunt or whimper in a kind of low tone.

Wild Card (random headcanon)

(not enough info for a wild card, sorry)

X-Ray (let's see what's going on in those pants)

About 6.7 inches

Yearning (how high is their sex drive)


Zzzzz (how fast they fall asleep afterwards)

Vince passes out instantly after cumming.

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