Chapter 4 -Meeting

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Hi hello sorry this took so long, I was supposed to have it up on Monday but I didn't have it done (sorry!) Thank you all for the lovely comments, they make my day every time ^-^.

This has a bit of everything, so stick with it. This chapter is dedicated to the lovely @holy-troyler-phan because she is lovely and my honorary dad... or maybe I'm her dad? I can't remember. Go follow her! :)

When Phil walked into lunch from third period English with Anthony Padilla, he was bored out of his mind. English was normally alright, but today they had a sub, who wouldn’t let them talk but didn’t assign work. Anthony and him had passed notes for a while before they got caught, so Phil had nothing to do but think about the messages from that morning. Honestly, they weren’t even a big deal, and Phil was positive that this Dan kid didn’t even give it a second thought, but for some reason Phil couldn’t get it out of his mind. 

Phil settled down in his place next to PJ and across from Ian and Anthony. Louise and Hazel walked in soon after from Advanced Film, and the six of them fell into easy chatter about everything from film to art to random facts (mostly contributed by Phil) and jokes interjected often from Ian and Anthony. 

Towards the end of lunch, Phil glanced around the cafeteria only to see Louise’s friend Zoe pointing clearly at him. 

“Hey, guys? Is it just me, or is Zoe pointing at me?” Phil said abruptly, looking around the group questioningly.

“It looks like it,” Hazel replied, taking a bite of her cookie.

“And that brown haired kid keeps glancing over at you. I think he likes you,” Ian drew out the word ‘likes’ so much that it sounded absolutely ridiculous.

“I’ve never seen that kid, honestly,” PJ cocked an eyebrow, thinking.

Anthony smirked and interjected, “Guys, its just a sophomore who is clearly looking at me because I’m attractive as fuck. Happens all the time.”

Phil laughed a bit before the bell rang, and he walked with PJ to math class.

Over the course of the next week, Dan and Phil kept up the message writing. 

On Tuesday, Dan replied to Phil’s “Je suis un poisson” with a sassy “Can you teach me how you write? That’s an amazing break through, I cannot believe that a FISH CAN WRITE!!!”

Later on Tuesday, Phil giggled a lot and wrote, “I would tell you, but then I’d have to kill you…” with a shifty eye face next to it.

Wednesday rolled around, with Dan’s “You realize that, as a fish, I can easily overpower you. Your threats don’t scare me.” Phil’s reply simply said, “If I can write, who knows what else I can do?” including a little fish holding a gun, which looked a bit more like a loaf of bread holding a smaller loaf of bread.

Thursday was a simple, “Wow, bread man, very intimidating,” from Dan. Phil wrote back a long paragraph on the many merits of bread, ending it with, “Want to exchange numbers? You’re fun to talk to!”

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