Chapter 5- Two Dorks Conversing

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WHOA HI HELLO HERE'S AN UPDATE YOU NUGGETS! I know this is short but lmao I have nothing to defend myself. I'll probably have another chapter up on Thursday if I have time. But hey, at least this one has phan interaction. You're welcome in advance ^-^

This chapter is dedicated tooooo @UTuveMostlyGayShips for all the nice comments and things, they make my day every time.

Dan had been talking to Zoe as he texted with Phil, and he immediately regretted in when he heard her stand up and call out to the boy. Dan stared insistently at his feet as Carrie looked on, her eyes widening as she watched them approach.

While Phil was seemingly being dragged over to meet Dan, Dan was practically shaking from nerves. He figured that logically, he was much more likable over text or notes, when he could think about what he was going to say next. He tended to be kind of awkward in social situations, as he was relatively introverted and not great at meeting new people.

Phil, from what he had gathered, was some kind of popular god who everyone seemed to like. He had his pick of friends and was essentially a black haired angel. He was smart, funny, goofy, and kind, from what Dan had heard. 

Dan was so lost in thought about how he was going to make a fool out of himself that he didn’t realize Phil had reached his table until he heard a soft “Hey.”

Dan snapped his eyes up to meet Phil’s, barely stuttering out a “hey” in return. He was immediately lost in those eyes no one would ever be able to describe- a mix of blue and green and gold.

“I’m the fish in disguise. Tell anyone and you won’t live to see another day,” Phil spoke quietly and with urgency, before bursting into laughter at the end of his sentence. 

Dan laughed loudly, before turning serious, “You can’t silence me. I will reveal your true identity if its the last thing I do. The people must know the truth!”

At this point, Jack looked over with a confused expression and blurted, “Who the bloody hell are you?”

Phil looked down at his feet, and Dan replied, “This is Phil, Jack. Be nice to new people, you twat.”

Dean made a kissy face at Dan, which he thanked god that Phil didn’t see. Cat broke the silence with a simple, “Hey, Phil! I’m Cat. You’re a senior, right?”

“Nice to meet you! And yeah, I’m a cool senior,” Phil replied, striking a ridiculous pose.

Dan burst into abrupt laughter. “Never do that again. You look like a dementor.”

“I think I look like a cool kid,” Phil turned up his nose to see Zoe as she walked away, glancing over her shoulder with a grin. 

Just as they began to settle into conversation, the bell rang. Phil headed back to his table to pick up his bag, but not before sending Dan a text that just said, “See you soon?”

Dan sent back, “Soon, I hope.” He tucked his phone into his pocket and for some reason, there was a grin on his face that wouldn’t go away. He was looking forward to spending more time with Phil.

WHOA HELLO I know it's kind of crap but you know I tried ok?

Love you all, vote, comment, etc <3 Hugs for you guys ok. Peace out home scouts,


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