Chapter 8- Ice Cream

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This chapter is dedicated toooooo @Randomfangir for all the super nice comments :)

"Well... I was thinking..." Dan broke off. He couldn’t say what he wanted to say.  There was a tiny chance Phil wouldn’t react badly, but he would be crazy not to refuse and storm out.

So, Dan being the wimp he always would be, he went for the safe option. If he couldn’t get exactly what he wanted, he would get something close to as good- food.

“Bring me to Dairy Queen and buy me some ice cream,” Dan demanded, shooting a grin at the senior, who sighed pathetically as he grabbed his colorful wallet off of his dresser.

“Making me pay? Classy, Howell, real classy.” Phil winked at Dan as they walked down the stairs and through the living room, heading towards the door.

“I am classy! See?” Dan protested, attempting to open the door for Phil but failing miserably. He accidentally stuck his foot out, causing Phil to trip and fall on top of him, and they were soon just a messy heap on the floor.

“Not exactly classy, Daniel, but there is an upside to this!” Phil exclaimed, smiling widely as he looked at the younger boy, untangling himself.

Dan looked very confused as he asked, “What?”

“I can call you Fall Out Boy now!” Phil replied brightly, laughing loudly at Dan’s obviously indignant expression.

“I swear to god…” Dan broke off as he jumped on Phil, who had just gotten himself situated and taken out his phone to change Dan’s contact. The two rolled back and forth until Dan snatched Phil’s phone up from where it fell during the wrestling. 

Phil reached for it, but couldn’t quite grab it as Dan held it high above his head. “Give me back my phone!” Phil grunted, trying to push Dan off him somehow.

Dan glanced down at Phil and his chest started to hurt. He wanted to kiss him, dammit. But he couldn’t. Of course he couldn’t. Not now, not ever. It would ruin everything. But looking into Phil’s eyes couldn’t hurt… could it?

Phil laughed awkwardly, breaking their almost intimate silence by joking, “Well, we seem to be getting into quite a few of these situations today, don’t we?”

“Clearly we have a flair for fighting,” Dan conceded, letting Phil stand up as he fixed his fringe. “You could work on your arm muscles, though.”

“Hey! I’m not the only one!” Phil retorted, pulling the door open as he rolled his eyes, grabbing his wallet off of the ground as he headed out into the brisk fall air.

Dan agreed, “We should probably both get into shape. I’ve been meaning to start jogging, but then somehow anime and tumblr get in the way.”

“Maybe we could start together?” Phil looked at Dan a bit hesitantly, unsure if the younger boy was even having fun.

Dan nodded, smiling, “That would be fun! If we do, though, we should make sure we have a first aid kit on hand.”

“Probably a good idea,” Phil snorted, as they arrived at the ice cream stop just a short way down the street.

They pulled the door open, both excitedly walking up to the counter. They glanced at the selection, before Dan decided on a milkshake and Phil ordered a vanilla blizzard with M&Ms.

The girl behind the counter, who’s name tag read ’Tanya’, looked to be around their ages. As she made the desserts, the song Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran came on over the speakers in the store. Without even thinking, Dan held out his hand and sort of twirled Phil around, while Phil did various head and arm movements. Both quickly realized what they were doing and started laughing hysterically. 

Tanya giggled at their antics as she finished their orders, placing them on the counter. “That’ll be $8.90!” she smiled, and Phil pulled out $10 bill and handed it over. (A/N no idea if thats close to the actual price but whatever) 

“How long have you two been together?” she asked, handing Phil his change.

The two talked over each other, forming an incoherent mash of, “We… aren’t… no… not together… straight…”

“Of course, my mistake. Although you guys would be pretty cute,” she winked at Phil, before mouthing, ‘Go get him’ over her shoulder as she turned to wash the blender.

“Have a nice day!” Phil called, before the two exploded into giggles.

The rest of the day passed pleasantly, the two exchanging jokes and the occasional awkward encounter. The time passed quickly before Dan had to leave, as the two promised to go jogging some time in the future.

As Phil watched Dan’s car pull away, he fell back on his bed, ran his fingers through his hair, and sighed.

This had been perfect.

But not perfect enough.

Phil wanted more.


I need your advice, guys. Do you want them to start dating soon or do you want me to drag out the story and fill it with confusion and cute-almost-coupley things because either way I'm cool with it? Honestly, I have some things planned, but not everything, so I'll be asking for your input quite a lot.

Update by/before Monday!

Peace, vote, and comment,

Tess ^-^

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