Chapter 15: A New Experience

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Wow so hey its been a while and I'm super sorry about that because I feel terrible that it took me so long to get this up. I don't really have an excuse other than confusion and complicated issues with my family and sexuality, but I'm dealing with it and I'm so incredibly grateful for all of your patience.

This chapter has a SMUT WARNING as promised ;) I got the lovely @tfoweeklyobsessions to write the smut in this story who did an absolutely incredible job ^_^

I love you all so much, the next (AND LAST BEFORE THE EPILOGUE!!!) chapter will be up by this weekend hopefully (I think I'll actually follow through with this one)

I plan on getting a little teaser up for the new DWTS Phan book by the time the next chapter is up, so I'll link that next chapter.

Thank you all so much, I couldn't have done this without you all.

"Hey Dan?" Phil addressed the breathtaking boy curled into him as they watched Big Hero 6 for the millionth time.

"Yeah, Lion?" Dan responded, looking up at his boyfriend with a gentle smile.

"Do you... uh... maybe want to stay the weekend? My parents are going to be away and I just..." Phil broke off, playing with his fingers, looking anywhere but Dan.

"I would love to," Dan replied honestly, leaning up to kiss the boy he had fallen so hard for, "I love you so much, and I think I'm ready if you're sure that you are."

"I love you, Bear," Phil kissed him on the nose lightly, "You should go pack soon, love."

** time skip to back at Phil's place **

"Oh my god, you look so fucking hot," Dan breathed as he walked up behind Phil, melding his body into the older boy's back.

Phil turned around slowly, relishing in the contact. He pressed his lips sweetly to Dan's, before turning back to the bag of chips he had been focused on. "Want anything, Dan?" He asked, a small, uncharacteristic smirk flitting across his features.

"Hm," Dan murmured, inching closer to Phil, "I can think of a few things."

Phil walked around Dan so he was behind him, and pulled his boyfriend into him by the waist, hearing the younger's breath hitch. "Anything in particular?" he asked, feigning innocence as best as he could, although he felt his facade fading with every passing second.

"You," Dan began to grind slowly against Phil, "More specifically, you and only you, every aspect of you."

Phil grabbed Dan's wrist, with a raw and scratchy, "Bedroom," as he pulled him up the stairs.

Dan sat on the bed, his attempted confidence failing as he realized how awkward this was. He attempted to brush those thoughts from his mind, pulling the equally hesitant Phil down to meet his lips. "Hey," he whispered, pulling back a bit from the kiss, "We don't have to if you don't want to."

"No," Phil smiled gently, "I definitely want to, as long as you're ready."

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