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This is the last part, loves!! I hope you like it, and I'm posting a new chapter to my DWTS fic today if you want to read that.

Five Years Later

Dan played with the box in his pocket as he reflected on his life with the boy who let sunshine into his life. They had been through a lot together, undeniably. Phil graduated from college, finally getting his long time personal videos up on the internet. He had accumulated a sizable fanbase on a website called YouTube.

Dan himself had dropped out of uni after only two years in pre-law, hating every minute of it, eventually devoting himself to the same video-making career as his boyfriend.

They moved into a flat together two years ago, when Dan was a freshman in college and Phil was a junior. They remained in the same apartment still, which was littered with cat stickers and Pokémon plushes.

He couldn't imagine his life without his best friend, who just so happened to also be his boyfriend. And hopefully, after today, he wouldn't have to.

Once upon a time, two boys shared a French textbook.

Once upon a time, one boy wrote a note and left it in the textbook.

Once upon a time, the other boy found the note and replied.

Once upon a time, they became slowly infatuated with each other.

Once upon a time, they fell deeper and deeper in love.

Once upon a time, they wore matching silver bands and stood in suits in front of a minister.

And once upon a time, the two boys told this story to Dillon and Winnie, their beautiful children.

Wow, it's been a wild ride.

I loved every minute of writing this fanfiction. Despite my various breaks, hiatuses, and failed chapters, you guys have stuck by me. I couldn't possibly ask for better readers (wow much cheesy)

In all honesty, I never expected anyone other than the people I was already friends with to read this. But you guys did. And I couldn't be more grateful for all the constant support, comments, votes, and sweet messages you guys have sent me. Thank you to my silent readers, the voters, and the commenters. All of you have provided more support than I deserve.

For the last time in this book,

Peace out, home scouts,

Tess <3

P.S. (Go read my DWTS phanfiction, I'll love you forever)

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