Chapter Twenty-Five

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Bella's POV

"Are you guys ready to go," Josh asks us as he hands the last of our luggage to the flight attendant. After the whole Jessica thing we now are on our way back home and nobody is excited to get back to work.

We all nod solemnly and get on the plane and take our seats.

The whole plain ride is spent with all of us lost in our thoughts, probably about what we are going to do once we are home. It sucks that we had to loose a day of fun and have to return to the shit show known as our lives. We all were happy with this trip and now we have to go back.

The plane lands and we hop into multiple cars since we can't all fit in one with our suitcases.

As we are driving home I notice something out of the corner of my eye.

It looked like a man wearing all black and he was staring straight at us when we stopped at a stop light. But when I moved my head to get a good look of him, he was gone.

My brows furrow in confusion and I decide to shrug it off. It could just be my imagination I am pretty tired from the flight anyways. But I can't help to feel like something is off like something bad will happen.

We finally pull up to the house and walk inside. It's pretty late due to having to leave mid day so all of us are completely drained of energy but we still have a couple things to go over before we sleep.

All of us go to James's office to talk.

"Ok was it just me or did anyone else see a man watching us?" Owen asks and I immediately become alert. So it wasn't just my imagination then.

"Umm yah actually I did but before I could get a good look he disappeared so I thought it was nothing." I say and James turns to me with his brows furrowed.

"Yah I noticed a man to but didn't want to make it seem like something it wasn't, but now that I know others noticed him to it's obviously not a coincidence." Lily says and there is a moment of silence before Josh breaks it.

"Do you think there is someone watching us?" Josh asks.

"Yes actually, and I don't think they have good intentions and we know it can't be anyone from the gang because we have already tested them and Jessica wasn't tested which explains how she was the traitor so my guess is it's another person on Bella's father's team." James say and we nod along, agreeing with what he is saying. It does make sense, even though my father is a terrible person it isn't like him to give up. With what went on with Jessica he is probably figuring out if I am dead.

"But who could it be, we know of no one else right?" Clara asks and James shakes his head.

"No I don't know who it could be, this is all so frustrating." James says, putting his head in his hands. I move closer to him and rub his back in comfort and he smiles up at me.

"How about we make groups of our members to go out all over the city and see if they can find Andrew and then get some rest since it's been a long day?" Owen says and James mumbles an ok before calling in members of the gang.

James tells the members what to do and they head out to start searching. Everybody is tense and stressed with the whole mess that is happening. I think we need a drink.

So with that thought I go to one of the cupboards in James's desk and pull out some whiskey. Everyone watches me as I pull it out and I hold it up with a smirk on my face and everyone's mood instantly becomes lighter.

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