Chapter One

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"In the end even the stars choose destruction over life." ✨

Bella's POV

"MOMMY NO!" I yell as I sprint into the living room as fast as my legs can go. I see my mom laying in a pool of her own blood while my father is standing over her with a gun pointed at her. I don't know why he does this. I was too young to understand. But he shot her, he shot her right in front of my eyes. The loud bang rings in my ears like an echo.

I wake up with a gasp from my nightmare, with sweat dripping down my forehead. "Fuck" I whisper as I remember everything from that one night. I don't even remember what age I was. But it's been years and I still can't get the nightmares to go away, they happen so often still and it's so hard to deal with them. And it doesn't help that ever since that night my father has beaten me now that he doesn't have my mother to use as a punching bag.

We just moved to a new town call Axbridge and I start my first day at Oak Ridge High tomorrow. I'm not excited.  I don't like talking to people I don't know and I don't like getting into people's business.

Even though my father is a piece of shit, he makes good money.  We aren't rich but we aren't poor either. We now live in a nice neighborhood in a nice white house. My bedroom is as plain as it can get. I'm not allowed to have nice things, or things that make my room look nice. Which I guess is a good thing because it would just get destroyed anyway.

You would think my father would have gotten arrested for murdering my mother but he didn't, and I don't even know-how.  I think that he bought his way out. Or maybe he has friends in the police force that helped him out. I don't know and I kind of don't want to know.

This year is my last year in high school. After that, I can leave and never come back. I don't care if I am homeless on the streets, just as long as I am not here I will be as happy as ever.

I like going on the roof in the middle of the night and stare at the stars. Sometimes I think when I look at the dark night sky my mom is up there staring back at me. I mean we all have hopes and dreams. But I know that someday I will be reunited with her and when that happens I'm never letting her go. I already made that mistake once I don't need to make it again.

I also like going on walks late at night and exploring places. Although I hate running with a passion. I am totally fine with walking but not running, I don't have the energy to deal with that. I wish I was one of those girls that use running as a way to clear their mind but sadly I'm not. I use walking, drawing, or listening to music as a way to clear my mind. Fuck running I'm fine walking.

Now that my little hobbies are out of the way I get up to go take a shower knowing my dad isn't here to harass me. I grab a towel and head to the bathroom that's across from my room. I turn on the water almost all the way hot and get in to let the water burn my skin and steam up the room. I wash my hair and body and get out. I wrap the towel around my naked body then head to my room to get dressed for the day.

I put on a black lace bra and matching underwear then black ripped jeans and a dark blue t-shirt. Then I put on my leather jacket and black boots that only go to my ankles and tie a red and black flannel around my waist and head out the front door.

I get in my car and start driving not knowing where I am going. I haven't decided on a place to go yet so I just drive around till I see something interesting. I then notice a little coffee shop to my right. I park my car and get out to go in the cute little coffee shop.

For a small shop, it sure is pretty busy. I head up to the counter and of course, get some coffee. I pay the lady at the desk and wait in line to get my order. Once it comes I grab it and look around for a place to sit. I see a booth in the corner by the window and go and sit down.

I pull out my phone and play random games I have on it till I finish my coffee. Once I do I stand up to go throw the cup away and walk out to get in my car. That was a pretty good coffee I'll have to come here more often. Once in my car I drive off again not knowing where I am going. Another thing that relaxes me is driving I just feel like whenever I'm in the car I can just sit back and enjoy the ride. Although I am the one driving I still find it relaxing.

After some time of driving nowhere I decide to just go home and watch some Netflix. Once home I run to my room knowing my dad will be home soon but I also know he won't come in my room. I plop down on my bed and turn on the TV.

Some hours later I look at the clock that's on my bedside table. Holy shit its already 12:45am. Well since its dark out I can go out on one of my night walks to explore the unfamiliar town. I carefully open my window to not make a sound so I don't wake up my father. Once it's open enough I climb out. I'm two stories from the ground but luckily there is a tree next to my window.

I climb quickly down the tree and hop on the ground and start walking down the sidewalk in front of my house. It's the middle of the night so there is barely any cars on the road which is exactly why I go out at night. After a few minutes of walking and turning down random streets I decide to go back home so I can get some sleep before school tomorrow...well I guess today.

I'm not lost but I decide to take a shortcut through an alley to get home faster. I walk in the semi dark alley not being afraid if there is any creeps in it since I carry a knife and I learned how to fight. But as I am walking I spot  four guys.

Three of them are standing in front of the fourth, but the fourth is on his knees. The three guys look tall and I can't really see their faces.  But then the tallest guy out of the three that is standing in the middle pulls out a gun and points it at the guy who is on his knees at his head.

The guy on his knees then starts begging for mercy but the man in the middle of the other two, who I am assuming is the leader of whatever this is, shoots him. I jump a little at the sound and accidently kick a glass bottle. The three guys immediately turn their heads in my direction.



Thanks for reading chapter 1, I hope you enjoyed ;)

Btw I finished this at 12:41 am good thing I don't have school tomorrow but even if I did it's not like I'm gonna go to bed. Anyways...byeeeee!

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