Chapter Nine

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"Neck kisses, coffee dates and midnight car rides."

Bella's POV

James stands straight up, his chair falling down with him. I flinch at the sudden movement and everybody else in the cafeteria falls silent.

"Listen up!" James yells. "If I hear Bella's name come out of anyone of you fucker's mouth, whether your female or not, I will fucking kill you, understood?" Everyone in the cafeteria nods there head scared there gonna be another one of James's victims.

"Bella and me never slept together and she's not a slut, the rest of the girls in the school are sluts, they can't keep their legs closed to save a life so you call Bella a slut," James's voice grows deep and threatening, "then I will slit your throats."

Everyone quickly nods again and turns back to their friends and food to not cause anymore problems.

"Thanks James but you didn't have to do that," I say.

"Bella even though this started out as us watching you to make sure you wouldn't snitch, now whether you like it or not you are a part of us now." James says.

I give him a thankful smile and we then talk about random stuff for the rest of lunch.

During the other classes I have with James I find myself not being able to take my eyes off of him. I can also feel his eyes on me and when I look I see him staring at me but then quickly looks away. But I don't want to get my hopes up so I just turn back around and focus on my work.

And me and Josh have become best friends now and we always get in trouble for talking in class. I'm glad I have met these people they make my shitty life feel better.

After school we all decide to go out including Lily which is good because I haven't been spending much time with Lily and I really want to keep our friendship going.

We decide we wanna go to an arcade to hang out. Me and Josh made a bet to see who can beat each other at the most games and the prize is $100. And I of course won much to Josh's disappointment.

He kept saying I cheated and whining about how I won and he didn't. It was so funny and James and Owen kept teasing him.

I kind of felt bad for him but I am very happy I got more money and I will forever tease Josh about this.

After the arcade we went to an ice cream parlor and sat down in one of the booths.

"Hey guys I have to tell you something," Owen says.

"What? Is everything good?" James asks.

"Yah everything is perfect I just wanted to announce and Lily are officially together." Owen says.

A smirk makes it's way on my face and I also see James and Josh smirking at him, "We know dude, you guys have been basically attached at the hip," Josh says.

"Yah it was really obvious, but I'm happy for you guys, I was shipping you two," I say and James nods his head in agreement.

I look over to Lily who is blushing like crazy. How cute.

After we finish our ice cream we all head home. But before I get in my car someone grabs my arm stopping me.

I spin around to see that it's James.

"Hey I was just wondering if I can get your number you know incase you need something?" He asks.

"Yah sure here give me your phone so I can put it in." He gives me his phone and I put my number in and send myself a text so I can save his number.

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