Chapter Two

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"Find your equal, not your whole."-mia

James's POV

I walk out of my office from doing work and head back to my room to get dressed for the day. It's currently 4:00am and I should be sleeping but I never sleep. Not since I was eight years old. I get in to my room and shut the door behind me trying to be a little quiet because I know Josh and Owen are sleeping, they are the only people I actually care about.

I'm rich, it's as simple as that. Me, Josh, and Owen all live in the same mansion. My room is on the very top floor with windows that go from the ceiling to the floor. I chose this room because it's on the roof and I like to go out at night and stare up at the star-lit night sky. I stare at it as if it'll make my life easier and answer my wishes for a simpler and happy life. But I know that's not gonna happen, I stopped getting my hopes up when I was younger.

Now you're wondering what happened when I was in the early ages of life. Well, my parents died.  They were abusive little fuckers. My father always told me not to have emotions that emotions make you weak and you'll get yourself killed. Then he would beat me till I passed out. Then my mother would come in and use her cigarettes' to burn holes in my skin.

When I was around the age of 8 I walked into the living room, with a gun in my hand. I found it on my father's dresser and I had full intent at using it. I know what you are thinking. That an eight-year-old is to young to shoot a gun. And yes you are correct, but my father always taught me to be ruthless ever since I could walk. But before I could use the gun my mother ripped it out of my hands and accidentally shot herself. I froze up and couldn't do anything but stand there, then my father grabbed the gun and shot himself. Only it wasn't an accident for him, he did it because he loved his wife.

Then when I was 14 I made friends with Josh and Owen in high school during freshman year. We've been a team ever since and never went behind each other's back. When we were 15 we started a gang called the Spades. We chose that name because ace of spades is our lucky card. The reason we didn't name us the ace of spades is because ace means single/one and we are a group, a family, the only thing I have close to a true family.

3 years later and we are the most feared gang in the United States. And I couldn't be prouder but I don't let that show because I still remember what my father told me, that emotions make you weak and I believe that. I don't like bullshit, I get straight to the point and I'm done.

Josh is the joker out of us three. He likes pranks and having a good laugh. Of course, I think he is a pain in the ass, but he's my brother so I tolerate it, and no not brother by blood but my brother either way. But when we get down to business all jokes are gone and you wouldn't even notice he is the joker out of all of us.

Owen is on the serious side. But I know deep down he is a total softy. He's the type of person to go to so you can talk your 'feelings' out and whatever that bullshit is. Deep inside he has a kind heart and cares for everybody. He's basically the dad of the group. Also, his mother is our cook and she is like the mother I never had. She's the only person I let boss me around and give me talks when I do something 'irresponsible' in her words. But like Josh, when doing business Owen is completely serious.

That basically sums everything up for us. We all treat each other like family and will take a bullet for the other. They are the only people I actually give a fuck about.

I get dressed in black jeans a blue button-up shirt, my favorite leather jacket and black boots. I have to go back to high school tomorrow and I wasn't going to go but I decided that I didn't want to have to deal with my jackass of a principle. So I will at least go the first day.

Josh and Owen are the same age as me and will also be going to high school. We all fucking hate it with a passion. The people there suck, and no one could care less about you unless they can benefit off of you in any way.

After I get fully ready I head back to my office for more work. After working for some hours I look at the clock on the wall and see that its now 7:30 am. Josh and Owen should be up by now harassing Owen's mom Emily for food. I go downstairs to meet them for breakfast so we can check in with the gang.

I get down the stairs and head towards the kitchen. "Emilyyyyyy what's for breakfast." Josh asks and I roll my eyes at how much this man loves food. "Bacon, eggs, and pancakes, now shut up so I can cook," Emily says. I walk in the kitchen to see Josh standing beside Emily who is making breakfast and Owen sat across the island in the middle of the kitchen typing on his phone.

"Good morning James," Emily says. I walk over and give Emily a kiss on the cheek and say, "good morning Emily." Soon after breakfast, I get a call from one of my men in the gang. "Yes," I say when I pick up the phone. "Boss we have a rat." "Ok tell me who it is and tonight we will get rid of him." I then hang up the phone and walk to my office.

Late tonight its now 12:47 am and I'm in the alley with the rat. "Do you wanna tell me who you fucking work for now," I say as I pull out my gun getting ready to shoot because I know this fucker is not gonna snitch even after punching and kicking him for hours.

"Go to hell," the little shit says. I chuckle and say, "I'll see you down there then." And with that I shoot him straight in the head and watch as his body falls lifeless to the ground. "Piece of shit," Josh says. I nod my head in agreement. But then I hear the sound of glass breaking and whip my head in the direction.

As I look in the direction the sound came from I see a girl standing there with wide eyes. She's got brown hair cascading down her back. She is short too, her head might only come up to my chest.

But as I am taking my time running my eyes over her a hand shakes my shoulder and I come back to my senses turning to Owen who is shaking me. "what," I say. "Dude are you just gonna let her get away," He says. "what do you mea-," I'm caught off when I hear the sound of feet running off in the distance.


"Dude what the hell is wrong with you," Josh says. "I don't know I just got distracted," I say and look at Josh who is giving me a face that says he does not believe the shit that just came out of my mouth and neither do I because I never get distracted. "Lets just get home guys we have school tomorrow and I don't think that girl is dumb enough to snitch and if she does she'll get punished," I say but yet the punishment I have in mind for her is completely different from the punishment that we do whenever someone snitches which is to give them a slow painful death.

No, I can't think like that. God, what is wrong with me?

The next day I get ready for school by taking a shower brushing my teeth and all that stuff. I put on some black ripped jeans, a black hoodie, and black converse. I then get in my jeep with Josh and Owen and head to school.

I get there and park my car and get out along with Josh and Owen. We walk into the building and I can feel the stares on my back. Fucking nosy bastards. We get our schedules and our locker numbers and we head to our first classes which we all have separated. My first period is Chemistry so I head to that class. I walk in late of course, the teachers knowing not to say anything about it. And as I walk in a smirk immediately pulls at my lips.

Well if it isn't the mystery girl from last night.

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